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How do I not get attached to people and be emotionally strong?


Yes, we have to accept the fact that attachment is actually clear, if you are so much attached to your lover and after she or he is gone then you will suffer a lot.

If you attach with your money and the day your money is gone, you are also gone that is why you need to have emotional toughness.

And that is only developed when you understand that you are not yourself and one more thing that you are not your emotions.

I know I am deep here but you have to understand that you are not your body, name, money, or people but you are much beyond it.

You are just an observer, you are given a skin by God and a mind by your ancestors.

So, if you see from this perspective which you also called the Buddha perspective then you will never get trapped into the attachment and you will accept things as they are.

You will just live in the moment enjoy the moment and then forget this is the true way to live life.

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