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4 Things that TURN a Boy Into a Man

At some point in your life you must take a second to answer a significant question.

Am I really the man I should be?

In these days becoming a man is harder than ever.

With the whole anti-masculinity propaganda it is very tough to unleash your true potential.

The society doesn't care if you are a man or not.

If you achieve your goals or not.

If you're healthy or you are constatly sick.

They do not care if you're happy or not.

So, you must take things into your hands and follow these easy steps.

1. Know how to suffer

As a man you will have to go through a lot of pain and struggle during your life.

There's no room for crying and expecting people to care.

Take things into your hands.

Take ownership and learn to embrace the pain.

By not focusing on the struggle but rather the end goal, you realize the real worth of your actions.

If what you do makes you suffer mentally or physically, you're probably doing the right thing.

2. Great Violence

The world is not a fairytail.

There's a lot of cruelty as well as pure evil people.

You must learn to stand up for yourself and be dangerous.

Not only for your own safety but also for the people around you.

If you decide to stay harmless people will do whatever they want with you.

Have some fight within yourself and don't let anyone control you or harm you.

3. Take risks

By taking action you must also take some risks.

By playing it safe, you miss out on a lot of opportunities which could have the potential to transform your life.

The bigger the risk the bigger the reward will be.

4. Testosterone

Testosterone is the single most important hormone that determines your masculinity.

With low testosterone you're just the shell of the man you could be.

Literally everything around you is made to lower your testosterone.

Whether it's porn or video games.

The funny thing is that you still do nothing about that.

"uh, one more burger can't hurt anyone"

Ask your testosterone how it feels about that.

This time you have to take things seriously.

NO more excuses.

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