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What is natural skin care for hyperpigmentation and melasma?

Hyperpigmentation is a condition of excess production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color. It’s produced by skin cells , melanocytes, to give protection against Ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Several different conditions or factors can alter the production of melanin in your body. I am facing this issue since last 4 years. Just because of geotechnical field I ude to spend most of the time at field under direct sunlight. I have damaged whole skin with sunburn.

Hyperpigmentation is caused due to expose to Sun, hormonal disturbances, post pregnancy, overdose of drugs, side effects of birth control pills ,liver disease, chemotherapy etc.

Image: Hyperpigmented skin

The amount of melanin you make depends on your genes. If you have a lot of melanin, it's likely that your skin, eyes, and hair will be darker.

Natural treatment for hyperpigmentation:

Melanin is your built-in protective system, but there are some smart steps you can take to reduce the risk of skin cancer and dangerous sun exposure. These include:

  • Avoiding prolonged time in the sun between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. when UV rays are strongest.
  • Use sunscreen(SPF 30– 50) to block UV rays.
  • Wear white Sun protective cotton clothes to protect your skin from hyperpigmentation.
  • Wear hats and sunglasses to guard your face, eyes, and neck areas.

Natural treatment for hyperpigmentation: Herbal treatment.

Home made mixtures to apply on to the hyperpigmented areas:

1. Curd: Sour curd contains lactic acid ,which is the best skin lighting agent. Apply curd with few drops of honey. Add 3–4 drops raw turmeric juice to get best result.

2. Lemon juice: Daily use of lemon juice with turmeric powder/juice plus honey will help you to reduce pigmentation. Lemon is the best anti pigment agent.

3. Potato juice: Potato juice with ginger juice mixture acts as anti — blemish agent.

4.Basil leaves paste mixed with turmeric juice and sandalwood powder may be helpful for treating hyperpigmentation.

5. Applying Yogurt +coffee powder +honey mixed paste would give you the best result..

***Besides natural treatment, you must take vitamins for skin health. Consume Vitamin A containg food , fruits or supplements for getting best result.

***Vitamin E is the friend of skin. Antioxidants containing food ,fruits would heal quickly.

***Vitamin C is the best vitamin for anti- pigment as well as anti-blemish.

***If possible, apply tender coconut water with cotton ball on affected skin.

But, strictly I would suggest you to avoid Sunlight.

Take care of your liver.

Here are some food for healthy liver.

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables
  2. Minimize milk and milk products, Fast food.
  3. Whole green moong ,lentils, sugarcane juice, green coconut water are specially good for liver.
  4. Eat raw turmeric with jaggery/honey-liver care food.
  5. Strictly no alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

Malasma is a kind of hyperpigmentation.

Malasma is a common condition where portions of your skin darken. This skin darkening occurs when your melanocytes (your pigment-producing cells) make too much melanin and cause dark patches on particular areas of face. This condition does not exert a health hazards, it can cause stress and frustration among those who suffer from it.

Affected areas:

on your face, usually on these areas:

  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Bridge of the nose
  • Forehead
  • Ear lobes

Causes of Melasma?

Melasma is caused by the production of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). The pigment-producing cells within the skin are known as melanocytes. MSH will activate the melanocytes which cause skin discoloration. There are numerous factors that can stimulate MSH including heat, stress, dehydration, obesity, the sun on your face, or any other part of your body. It can be difficult to treat melasma because some of the triggers such as stress and heat can be hard to avoid.

Treatment :

Melasma is difficult to treat simply due to so many things can stimulate the melanocytes to produce the pigment that is at the heart of the skin disorder. There are treatments available, but they may not have an impact on melasma or clear it up completely, so it’s important to know what you can do to help minimize the appearance of dark spots and prevent them from getting worse. To help you cope with melasma, you should:

  • Consider using makeup to help even out the skin tone.
  • Wear sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 -60 every day.
  • Wear a hat or other device that helps to shield your face from the rays of the sun.
  • Protective clothing is very important when you’re outside, especially if you plan to be outside for an extended period of time. Of course, if you’re self-conscious about the dark spots caused by melasma then strictly avoid Sunlight.

There may be other procedures such as chemical peels, laser therapy, or microneedling that can help.

Image: sun protective clothes


Natural treatment:

Use the home made mixtures I have discussed in the above mentioned subject matter ( Treatment of hyperpigmentation).

Apply Vitamin C serum on to the affected areas after bath twice daily.

Consume fresh juicy fruits and vegetables. It'll help to decrease darkening.

Try to eat the following foods in the below chart.

Image: Food for healthy liver. Healthy liver means healthy skin.

At the end, I would like to suggest you massage these oils to recover .

  1. Pure vergin coconut oil: One of the best oil for skin. Regular massage of this oil will help to reduce pigmentation.
  2. Neem oil: Neem oil helps to lower skin darkening.
  3. Pure extra virgin olive oil: Regular massage protects skin pigmentation and maintains healthy skin.
  4. Argon oil: Skin brightening oil .

Massage any or mixture of the above oils before bath may be helpful.

Follow a good skin care routine regularly. It'll control skin pigmentation.

If you follow the above instructions patiently, I hope you will get good results. It will take time to get satisfactory results. Positive thoughts give you positive results. Hope this answer will satisfy your queries.

Thanks for your request and giving me your valuable time for reading this answer..Ma'am. All the best. 😊 🙏

(Image source: Google and Pinterest)

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