1. Learn to focus and you can cut 8 hours of work into 4.
2. If you are serious about working for yourself, you wouldn't quit after a week. It's a lifelong commitment.
3. Your feelings are feedback. If you feel down, you need to do things that will make you feel good (whether you "feel like it" or not).
4. You have to help yourself first before you can help anyone else.
5. Saying 'no' to things you don't want to participate in will get you further than saying 'yes'.
6. Stop checking your phone immediately after you wake up. Starting your day with a cheap dopamine hit is not good.
7. If you want to get rich quick. You need to change your definition of 'quick'.
8. Personal growth rapidly accelerates once you accept that you are in control of the outcome.
9. Accountability will always bring more rewards than playing the victim.
10. Money is pointless if not used to improve your quality of life.
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