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By age 30, you should be smart enough to never do this in your life

1. Don't share everything
It's important to maintain some privacy, even with close friends and family.

2. Don't rely solely on your 9-5
Having multiple streams of income is a smart financial strategy. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

3. Don't neglect your health
Take care of your body by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Remember, you only have one body.

4. Don't do what your friends do
If your friends' activities (such as using drugs or drinking excessively) don't align with your values, it's okay to choose different activities.

5. Don't just blame your parents
It's important to take responsibility for your own life and not blame your parents for everything.

6. Don't wait for the "right time"
The right time to take action is now. Don't let your ambitions remain a dream.

7. Don't take criticism personally
Try not to get too caught up in what others think of you. Remember to prioritize your mental health.

8. Don't take advice from everyone
Be selective about who you take advice from. Look for guidance from people who have achieved what you want to achieve.

9. Don't blindly follow books
Books can be helpful, but it's important to think for yourself and not blindly follow their advice.

10. Don't try to impress others
Focus on impressing yourself and let the right people be drawn to you. Don't go broke trying to impress others.

11. Don't depend on others
It's important to be self-sufficient and capable of tackling your own problems.

12. Don't lie to yourself
It's important to be honest with yourself. People may believe your excuses, but you won't be able to fool yourself.

13. Don't wait for opportunities
Create your own opportunities. Don't wait for them to come to you.

14. Don't argue with people
Don't waste your time trying to win arguments or prove a point to those who are unwilling to listen.

15. Don't fear rejection
Rejection is a normal part of life. Remember that "no" is just the start of a constructive conversation.

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