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9 Warning signs you're on the wrong track

1. Someone other than you makes all your decisions.

Most people live their lives on default settings. Don't be one of them.

Live your own life, your own way.

Each of us has a unique fire for something that makes us feel alive.

It's your duty to find it and keep it.

2. You are only doing what you're doing because it's safe.

Never let your fear decide your future.

Playing it safe is one of the riskiest choices you could ever make.

You cannot grow unless you're willing to change and adapt.

Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith.

3. You have chosen the easiest possible path.

Nothing in this life is easy.

Don't expect things to be given to you. Go out and achieve them.

Good things are given to those who work for them.

There is no elevator to success, you must take the stairs.

4. Obstacles are all you see.

The big difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is how you look at it.

Look at the positives and don't dwell on the negatives.

If you keep your head down, you will miss life's goodness.

Change your mindset.

5. You are working hard but making zero progress.

To achieve success and sustain happiness in life, You must focus your attention to the right things, in smart ways.

Every human being lacks a resource. It maybe limited time or even energy.

Spend your resources effectively.

6. You have started a dozen projects but completed non of them.

We are judged by what we finish, Not what we start. Period.

In life, passion it's what starts it and dedication is what finishes it.

7. You're too busy to connect with others in a meaningful way.

Truth be told, sometimes we are too busy watching out for what's ahead of us. That we don't take time to enjoy where we are and who we are with.

Lift your head up and appreciate those standing behind you.

8. The people you make time for, don't make time for you.

Wrong things happen when you trust and worry about the wrong people.

Know your worth, know the difference between what you're getting from people and what you deserve.

Sorround yourself with people who support you.

9. You're playing a role in life's drama circle.

Needless drama doesn't just walk into your life out of nowhere. You either create it, invite it or associate with those who bring it.

Do not late anyone's ignorance, drama or negativity stop you from improving yourself.

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