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8 simple steps to stay motivated

1. Set a long term goal and a short term goal

Both are necessary as you need to know what you can do day to day but it helps to have something to work for.

2. Look at your progress

It’s not about where you are it’s about how far you’ve come and will continue to go.

3. Review your goals

Take a moment to look through what you need to do that day.

It will help you to get the task done and stay motivated.

4. Remember your why

You need to remember why you are working towards your goal.

Remember what made you start in the first place.

5. Find triggers

What sets you off?

- Is it a certain song?

- A certain meal?

- A certain exercise?

What ever it may be start finding some triggers!

6. Be positive

Having a good attitude when things are going wrong is a sign of a accomplished person.

Find motivation by being happy no matter the situation

7. Stay organised

If you are all over the place it’s hard to stay motivated when you keep getting disorganized and never finishing your plans.

8. Stop multitasking

Multitasking seems like a good thing but it isn’t.

You don’t get any one thing dismissed leaving you discouraged.

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