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19 warning signs when searching for a wife

1. She has a large number of male friends. She might be addicted to the attention.

2. She has an unnatural hair color. Pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This is often a proxy for a contentious spirit.

3. "Game" works on her. She might be insecure and have issues with her father.

4. She's out late at a bar on Saturday night. You won't find your wife there.

5. She never cooks for herself or her family. Which means she will hardly ever cook for you.

6. She wears immodest clothing. Again, it shows she is either naive or craving the validation of male attention.

7. She disrespects her father. She probably won't respect you.

8. She avoids children. She complains about large families and has never babysat for other families.

9. She cancels your first meeting or is constantly late. If she can't keep small commitments, can you trust her to keep large ones?

10. She talks about feminist authors.

11. Her mother is lazy. She will probably pick up some of the same habits.

12. She is too active on social media. How much time per week does she spend carefully crafting an image?

13. She has large and visible tattoos. This is another form of immodesty.

14. She is too invested in her career. A good woman will not have idle hands and so will probably be working somewhere, so this requires more digging.

15. She has had sexual partners in the past and is completely unrepentant about it.

16. She is brash, loud, and outspoken. This can betray a lack of humility and a lack of meekness.

17. She complains about other people and engages in gossip. She will eventually complain and gossip about you.

18. Where she lives is a mess. There is a difference between "lived-in" and "total neglect." Some places just need a 30-minute spruce-up. Some places need a blowtorch. Avoid women who live in the latter.

19. Her father is a deadbeat

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