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What should I do to get special blessings of Hanuman Ji?

What should I do to get special blessings of Hanuman Ji?

There is no need of special blessings, but you must only complete devotee on lord hanuman and true belief . All your any problems you will automatically get solved.

Wherever the name of Lord Sri Rama is chanted Hunuman ji wii be present there. Lord Hanuman likes 5 number as told by a Hanuman devotee. When we go to temple if we make 5 rounds of pradakshin around the temple of Hanuman or his deity daily he turns a kind look towards us.

The minimum rounds of pradakshinam for the other forms of God or Goddesses are 3 whereas it’s 5 for Hanuman ji. The most important thing for Hanuman devotion is that we have to compulsorily chant the name of Lord Sri Ram every time we pray to him. Otherwise it is deemed to be left in a halfway.

To get special blessings I suggest to chant Hanuman chalisa for 11 times a day and after completing it to read Sri Rama Raksha sthothra. Hanuman ji will be on the side of those who writes ‘Sri Rama koti’ i.e. who practices as a routine to write the name of Lord Sri Rama for one crore times.

The plain and blank books to write one lakh times are available in Pooja stores. The guidelines of how to write are explained in detail by pandits are available on YouTube. The effects have to be enjoyed by one’s experiences only but not by being heard from someone else. We have to write in many number of books which may take years of time. But by the time we complete the first book itself we can start to have our good positive and pleasant times.

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