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The 33 principles a man must understand

1. A happy man is a man with purpose.

2. A man controlled by his lust will feel eternal sorrow.

3. A smart man knows when to stay quiet and when to speak.

4. A wise man listens to people’s word, but judges by their actions.

5. A strong man knows his character is destiny.

6. A ruthless man will do what must be done to produce peace.

7. A weak man will never be loved by a woman.

8. A fearful man is so because of laziness.

9. A nice man never helped anyone.

10. A kind man will be mistaken for a peasant often.

11. A deteriorating man is one who runs from responsibility.

12. A growing man is one whose best friend is discomfort.

13. A sagacious man knows where he is, where he is going, and how to get there.

14. A man who choose deceit twice is a devious man.

15. A devious man shall never be trusted.

16. A responsible man does not stop when he’s tired, but when the task is done.

17. A loving man is patient yet firm and direct.

18. An unloved man does not feel love for himself.

19. An insecure man has not learned each lesson from his past.

20. A secure man will be alone even when he does not wish to be.

21. A predictable man is a loud man.

22. A loud man is a man who missed out on love in his childhood.

23. A forgetful man…could be a wise man.

24. An intelligent man learns from his mistakes.

25. A fulfilled man takes directed action everyday.

26. A loyal man has emotions of disloyalty, but controls them.

27. A holy man is a man who doesn’t betray himself.

28. A magnetic man practices energy conservation.

29. A stoic man feels, but does not show.

30. A lost man is a scared man.

31. A courageous man is a man who takes action.

32. A disorganized man is an ineffective man.

33. An invincible man is a man who can go first.

Thank you for Reading 😌

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