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1. Write things down - our brains are for having ideas, not holding them.

2. Take a second to pause before you respond. Become less reactive.

3. Read something every day. Even just one page.

4. Write something every day. Even just one paragraph.

5. Automate and batch as much as you can. Our brains have more room to be creative when they're not constantly making decisions.

6. Get some sun on your skin as early as you can in the day.

7. When your brain hurts. Stop working. Take a quick break to disconnect and recharge.

8. Limit your to-do list to the top 3 most important tasks of the day.

9. Write down anything that resonates with you.

10. Break down goals into the smallest steps possible.

11. Value your time above all else.

12. Find hobbies that engage your mind and soul - do them as often as you can.

13. Place your phone outside the room while you're working.

14. Track everything you do for one day to the minute. Find where the time sinks are.

15. Stop comparing yourself behind the scenes to everyone else's highlight reel.

16. Be bored more often. Our minds get the best ideas when they are allowed to wander.

17. Listen more than you speak.

18. Create more than you consume.

19. Compliment more than you complain.

20. Delete apps you don't use.

21. Donate clothes you don't wear.

22. Serve others as much as you can. This is a powerful source of happiness.

23. Make a habit of reaching out to old friends.

24. Never say "yes" simply because you feel obligated.

25. Take care of your information diet - Junk info hurts our brains like junk food hurts our bodies.

26. Look at your phone less, look at people's eyes more.

27. Revisit things that have brought you joy in the past. They will probably do it again.

28. Set time limits on tasks. Use "Parkinson's Law" in your favor.

29. Remember people's names and use them often.

30. Remember you're going to die one day so live your life to the fullest.

One of the easiest way to make yourself better is to read books every single day. So start building the habit of reading books with the help of this book.

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