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10 Things You Should Give Up If You Want to Be Successful

1. Give up on the unhealthy lifestyle

- Prioritize your physical and mental health.

- Your health should be a priority as everything starts from here.

2. Give up the short-term mindset

- Common trait of successful people is that they have long-term goals.

- Why long-term? Because it's less crowded there.

3. Give up your excuses

- You are responsible for your life, no matter your starting point, weaknesses, and past failures.

- Own your life, no one else will.

4. Give up the fixed mindset

- Mindset is everything.

- A positive mindset will take you to great places.

5. Give up your perfectionism

- Perfectionism is the enemy of growth and happiness.

- Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself.

6. Give up multi-tasking

- Don’t focus on more than one desire at a time.

- 2 hours of focused work >>> 8 hours of multitasking.

7. Give up your need to control everything

- Develop Detachment from the things you cannot control and focus on the ones you can.

- “Some things are up to us, and some things are not up to us.”  — Epictetus

8. Give up the toxic people

- The greatest win is walking away and choosing not to engage in drama and toxic energy at all.

- More important is to unlearn your own toxic patterns.

9. Give up your need to be liked

- Do not live to satisfy the expectations of others.

- Remember, the courage to be successful also includes the courage to be disliked.

- Take a look at around you and see if you need to make any changes.

10. Give up your dependency on social media and television

- We live in a world of distractions.

- Learning to block out distractions and focus on your work is an art form.

- Once you master it, you will be on your way.

- Be fully present and committed to one task

- Keep moving forward.

- Remember, who you are today, it’s not who you have to be tomorrow.

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