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What is one thing that I can learn from you today?

What is one thing that I can learn from you today?

Posted by Sonika

If you’re a guy, this is a must read.

The other day, I was forced to attend a party at my friends flat. It’s quite spacious, 4BHK. I kinda identify myself as an introvert, and also I was low on spirits that day. Owning to which, as soon as I reached his flat I searched for the room which was empty, went in, started scrolling Quora.

Now, when Party was at its peak, 12:25–12:30, X (Girl, 24) entered the room. We never talked before, I knew her through our mutual friend. Conversation started. She started getting closer, inspite of the look of discomfort on my face. After a while, boom. She’s all kissing me and trying to take my shirt off. Not that I wasn’t enjoying, but this not this girl!! She’s that kinda girl, guys. Probably carrying AIDS.

Now I asked her to stop, she just wouldn’t. As I was going to force her, a sudden thought struck my head. If she accuses me of rape to save her character, I’m doomed. (I was kinda high on weed, so such thoughts) So guess what? I told her I’m Gay! And she left, apologising! And since everyone is getting more liberal by the days, she didn’t even talk about it with anyone. (Not that I know of)

Once "Raghuram Rajan" went for a guest lecture at IIT Delhi. He gave his lecture to the enthusiastic youth. All the students were so much interested in his talk and after his session, a boy asked him a question.

He asked, "Sir, you are an epitome of success especially for a student like me and to my entire college, you are recognized not only in India but you are a worldwide known person for your work and thesis. So my question is Does it really matter to do studies from abroad, I mean Ivy league Colleges have elite professors and they have a lot to bring to the table, and also the brand value that makes a lot of difference, what are your thoughts?"

Raghuram Rajan smiled at him and said," Honestly speaking I did my graduation from IIT Delhi and did my MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, and did my Ph.D. from MIT. I can't draw a difference among the professors they were all the same. But the thing that matters and for who I am today is due to my peers. You learn a lot from them because you are not with your professors all the time. You are with your peers doing works learning together making mistakes. They have a lot to offer, you have a lot to offer. So the thing which matters is the people around you.”

Always surround yourself with people who motivate you & bring the best in you!

Thanks for scrolling!!

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