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God has made human beings witha wonderful technology How blessed we are and don’t even recognize it.

God has made human beings witha wonderful technology How blessed we are and don’t even recognize it.

By: TB/Med Knowledge | 11:45 AM IST

Really God has made human beings witha wonderful technology……Thanks to him ever.

The pictured line is also called a tunneled dialysis line, or a permcath. Chemo ports are different. A dialysis line doesn't have to be anywhere near the kidneys. It only has to be within a large blood vessel.

Pic source: Med Knowledge

Do you know that during dialysis, blood is removed from the body through the red tube, passed through the dialysis machine, and then reintroduced into the body through the blue tube. Every organ is important. They are silently doing their work, in a co-ordinated manner; and we do not even know that. Body is the most amazing machine on this planet.

I had no idea! It’s crazy how ignorant a human can be until they are forced to be otherwise! I used to be clueless about chemotherapy. I used to think cancer caused hair loss. I thought chemotherapy was some sort of light that was shined on the patient until the cancer cells were killed. Then, I got breast cancer and I learned real quick what I never understood. This is a powerful post. I think In general we often don’t understand what others are going through until we “walk a mile in their shoes”. I remember years ago, working as a Secretary in a real estate office, there was this married couple that I just envied. They were always so happy. The guy was becoming a very successful realtor after working as a cook for several years. He was handsome and charming- and he could cook! She would come into the office all the time, bringing him lunch and special snacks. At the company parties, she was always all over him. They had beautiful, healthy children. Any who, I just really admired their family. Then it came to light that the wife was cheating. She was always doing these special things out of the guilt she felt. They ended up getting a divorce and she went onto marry the man she was having the affair with. Things aren’t always what they seem, and we truly never really know- until we know. If that makes any sense!

To me my body is an Temple. One sperm and one egg both meet and form brain, heart, blood, bones, tissues and other organs. There is no doubt about it that this is the most sophisticated machine. Heart starts to beat 5 weeks after gestation. It’s painful to see people’s ignorance and the way they abuse the grandeur of the creator. Only those who go through this knows. It’s hell… I give visits to hospitals, not as a doctor as a seeker.

When you get inside hospitals you see a different world altogether. This is when you know what is true wealth and health.

I also visit crematorium not as a relative or friend of a deceased but again as a seeker. Crematorium is the place reminds you that you are here to go empty handed. Don’t crib..

Because we got it free, we don’t appreciate or take care of it well. We, unfortunately realise it only when something goes wrong.

This process is repeated for four hours while the patient remains immobile in bed.

The procedure is carried out three times a week, which results in twelve times a month, and each time it takes four hours, which results in a total of forty-eight hours a month.

For those not affected, this process of flushing your kidneys occurs automatically 36 times every day with zero effort or discomfort.

Always be grateful for what you have. ❤️

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