In 1970 Nixon signed the Clean Air and Water Acts. Vehicle mileage standards were raised, reducing overall pollution from cars and trucks.
The American Bald Eagle became the poster child, banning DDT that was bring birds to the edge of extinction.
Carl Sagan said it best best. “The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand”
The UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson wrote, “We travel together, passengers on a little space ship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of air and soil; all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain it half fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half despairing, half slave—to the ancient enemies of man—half free in a liberation of resources undreamed of until this day. No craft, no crew can travel safely with such vast contradictions. On their resolution depends the survival of us all.”
This is space ship Earth as seen from the moon. It is a self contained object that provides us with everything to sustain life; Air, water, and food. But, our supplies are not limitless. There is a finite amount of live sustaining materials. If we damage our life support systems to the point of failure, than all life dies.
This is a photo, “The Pale Blue Dot” taken of Earth by Voyager 1 from 3.7 million miles away.
But we have a long way to go. We are still polluting our waterways. We are responsible for the 6th mass extinction of life on this planet.
Sometimes, the things you don't do are just as important as the things you do…do. Want to help keep the planet in better shape? Don't litter. Don't be a mindless consumer. Try to create less waste. Our garbage ends up everywhere. In the oceans, in the air we breathe, in nature , where animals are harmed by it…everywhere. All the materials used to create much of this trash, is pulled from the planet. Support ecologically friendly companies by buying their products. But do your homework, and make sure they truly are friendly. It's a buyer beware situation out there, and many companies have a nasty tendancy to…well, lie.
The Earth is…well, it really is like our mother. You can tell your mother you love her all day long, but if you don't show her you do, if, instead , you steal money from her purse, or call her names, or have her put in an old folks home and take all her stuff, well, you can say whatever you want, but actions speak louder than words. You can celebrate our planet by doing your part. Even just something small. You don't have to go to another country, and hold a sign, and protest, and be angry and violent. No. You can stay right where you are, and just do your part, and encourage others to do theirs. You don't have to chain yourself to a tree, or join Greenpeace and attack boats.
Not having a large family would be a big help. Don't have 8 or 10 kids, where you need to buy a small truckload of diapers every week just to get by. Don't be selfish, I guess, is the biggest thing. Consumerism may be good for the economy, but ya know what? Having a planet so messed up by consumerism that it makes you sick, or kills you, is not good for you, or the planet. There will come a time when we humans will be forced to control our own population, or face dire consequences.
Overall, just try to be mindful, every day, of your impact on the planet. Theres no need to go overboard, but just starting with small things can add up, and make a big difference.
Living in this planet is a pretty good thing. You get to see the sun rise, sun set, the cooling winds , wonderful rainfall , beaches etc.
The earth has given us so many things to cherish about . We should at least know why is it celebrated today , and who was responsible for the modern world save environment earth day celebration .

Earth Day takes place every year on April 22. It's a holiday intended to promote respect for and the conservation of our planet, its atmosphere and all of its living creatures. Yes, that means you, human, but that also includes bats, cacti and plankton, just to name a few.
OK, sounds important enough. But like, everyone knows that you can't just go around tossing garbage out of your car window and you shouldn't leave the lights on when you're not in the room. Everyone's gotten the memo by now that the only way humans will be able to continue to live on Earth is if they're kind to the environment, right?
Here are some of the things we need to know about earth day .
1. What is Earth Day?
Earth day is a day meant to be celebrated as a reminder for our existence in this planet. Its an awareness creation attempt intended for us to love, respect and save the environment .
2. Why was it created?
Before the 1960s, being environmentally conscious basically didn't exist. That was until Rachel Carson published her best-selling book Silent Spring in 1962, which brought attention to the dangers of using pesticides and gave impetus for the environmental movement of the late 1960s and 1970s. However, it was a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, Calif. in 1969 that put the creation of Earth Day in motion in an effort to raise political and public awareness of the need for environmental conservation.
3. Who started it?
Earth Day was created by Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin after learning about the devastating effects of that Santa Barbara oil spill, according to Earth Day Network's website. He was inspired by the anti-Vietnam War "teach-ins" taking place on college campuses at the time and the grassroots nature of the movement to try and hoist environmental protection onto the national agenda. Nelson convinced Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey to serve as his co-chair and appointed Denis Hayes, a young activist, as national coordinator.

4.What was the first Earth Day like?

Thanks to a lot of publicity from the media, the first Earth Day was a big hit. About 20 million Americans took to the streets, college campuses and parks in support of the very first Earth Day. Rallies were held in Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C. and most other American cities, according to — History Made Every Day — American & World History. Famed anthropologist and environmentalist Margaret Mead spoke at the first Earth Day, in addition to actors Paul Newman and Ali McGraw and singer Pete Seeger lending their support.
5.What can you do to celebrate Earth day ?
Plant a small tree around your house or in your colony. Talk with friends about climate change and pollution . Stop using plastic .
Spread the news about the requirement of trees for our survival. Trees provide fresh air, shelter for birds and butterflies and many insects . Life on earth is not all about human existance . We should live in harmony with the nature and there must be proper balance .
You see the news about climate change, floods , landslides , tsunamies all the time . Its because we forgot to love and respect our environment.
My suggestion to the Indians who eat mangoes and other fruits this summer :
This is the season of fruits like mango, jamun, jack fruit Etc. My request to all of us is kindly don't throw the seeds, wash them and keep it in a plastic pouch in ur car. Whenever you go out and find baren land while travelling, on a highway throw these seeds. They will germinate easily the coming monsoon. If with this act we can contribute even a single tree each to our world, our mission is successful. This is not just a random idea. It was initiated decades ago in areas like satara and ratnagiri in maharastra. Many other districts have appealed to people to spread abundance in nature this way and many citizens have joined this wonderful mission.
Also the need for the environment protection was started way back by a women in karnataka known as "Saalu marada thimakka".