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Why Diarrhea Can Be Caused By Eating Certain Spicy Food

If someone swallowed the spiciest pepper, would it still be spicy after being pooped out or do the spicy properties subside after digestion?

Ahhh, so you decided to take the shortcut to the spiciest pepper challenge. Rather than eat it. You’re going to swallow it. Pretty easy since those Dragon peppers are much smaller than the reapers. Swallow away. What could go wrong, right?

Why Diarrhea Can Be Caused by Eating Certain Spicy Foods
Are you experiencing diarrhea? Eating spicy foods could be the reason why. Learn what substances cause the effect and how to minimize it.

Your body still has to process whatever you consume. Your body's first precaution against eating something that is bad for you is your taste buds and the vanilloid receptors. Capsaicin is a plant-based defense mechanism against us mammals who have vanilloid receptors. Birds don’t have them. This is why I left unused pepper seed out for my downed dove in the backyard.

Anyhow, you bypassed your body’s first precaution against eating something bad for you. hmmm… so what is your body going to do? it is going to try to process it. It will realize that this capsaicin product is something bad and try to flush it out. Unfortunately, you still have nerve receptors at the … other end of processing. So your body is going to take in as much water as it can and flush everything toward that end.

It’s still gonna hurt.

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