Is there any scope for CIVIL ENGINEERING in the future?
Published By NEGI RK | TB | 14 June 2021 21:36 PM IST
Civil engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering. It has created, survived and evolved with time and different regions in the world. Cities are expanding everywhere. More expansion, more roads, more rails, more metros more housing.. In short the scope is unlimited. The development of the country is judged based on its infrastructure and so the need to upgrade the infra of a city will never stop. More population and migration will lead to more housing facilities. Traffic is surely going to be shifted to the Sea or sky both of which needs civil engineering of another level. apart from all these basic amenities, there are marvels in construction. Every country is trying to outsmart every other country by making something breath-taking. So be it in service of a government or a private body, civil engineering will always be a favourite for the times to come.definitely yes. even number of govt jobs also will increase.if a country improving its infra structure means civil engineering is growing in that country. you can take any country with good infra structure will have good civil engineers and high pay. for developing country like INDIA number of oppurtunities definitely increase and civil engineers pay will be increased in future. I am sure about that.It will to be same as it is now, needed, and developing. As long as there are CIVILizations, Civil Engineering will never become obsolete. And I know it is the second oldest profession, and I also know technology is developing rapidly. But technology could only aid Civil Engineering, never replace it. There will never come a time that people will no longer know/remember the concepts of this profession. It is the very center, it keeps civilizations alive, and live long. Civil engineering scope will never end. After all without physical infrastructure no human civilization can survive.We have come so far here in the development of human life,quality of life,just due to development of physical infrastructure only.
So as long as civil society exist we will have civil engineering.
Roads,housing, treatment plants,solar plants,dams,power plants,industries are just few field to name.
Civil Engineering is a phenomenal field, industry started adopting new materials for the construction. Ex UHPC was not something was heard of or used in the construction, after abundant research on it people are giving it a try.
First Find your interest in civil engineering such as Transportation, Structure or Geo. In what field you want to excel further. I would recommended getting some construction experience after bachelors degree and then go for higher studies if you are interested. Remember civil engineers do not get paid well compared to your contemporaries.
In recent meeting at Chennai by institute of engineers at Chennai they mentioned Indian infrastructure is not improving because of lack of quality civil engineers.
They are true, for building a capital to Andhra pradesh to select a plan and strategy why should AP CM chandra babu naidu garu approach singapore by paying crores of rupees to them? dont we have civil engineers?
As all the countries around the world concentrate about the better development in the infrastructure in which civil engineer plays an major role , expecially in india there are major vacancies in the civil engineering sector , there is an great oppurtunity to provide a good service to our country.., if you are intrested in entrepreneurship then build your own consultancy where you can develop various plans and elevations , later grow your seed (consultancy) in an construction company which offers people good quality of infrastucture in an affordable way. Civil engineering is in practice since the human started drawing cave walls and modified entry-exit as per desire to enhance the safety from other predator. Back then, it was a necessity if not the skills.
Now it's more of a profession but modern tech and all other advancement are still not enough to replace civil engineer. Yes, 3D printing is making progress in civil engineering too but it's still in development phase and only capable to make very small ( and currently ugly) house. So yes, civil engineer and the brain behind mesmerising skyscraper and bridges are not going to be replaced anytime soon. There will be always a requirement of us.
(Image Source VIT CHENNAI)
can you name a beautiful construction after independence that gave prominance to a civil engineer in Country where engineers like bharat ratna mokshagundam visveswaayya is born on whose birthday we celebrate engineers day something like eiffel tower, burjdubai etc apart from what british people constructed.
Thanks for Reading
Picture Source VIT CHENNAI
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