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Would soldiers of the ancient and medieval world be terrified by the appearance of soldiers of today?

Troopers the Romans knew looked altogether different. They for the most part wore covering, for one, and conveyed edged weapons or potentially safeguards. This bizarre person wearing unusual shading texture conveying… something… who can say for sure what the Romans would expect of him? Possibly they would think he was some intriguing outsider. 

As numerous answers have said, not from the start. Not warriors by walking, in any case. For setting, this is what old and archaic warriors resembled: 

Note that the Romans and Crusaders have a typical subject - networking mail and plate defensive layer, safeguards, protective caps, swords. The Crusaders have undeniably further developed weapons and protection, yet both would perceive the other as an expert military power. 

Presently, regardless of what time span you're from, these men are plainly wearing caps. What's more, I can't help contradicting some different answers - while the fighters of the past wouldn't have seen firearms or kevlar previously, I accept most would rapidly derive that the rifles were weapons or some likeness thereof, and that the kneepads and plate transporters were covering or the like. 

Doubtlessly their underlying feeling would be that these men were officers or the like, yet wearing bizarre covering and conveying weird weapons. In any case, they'd unquestionably be panicked once the fight began. 

I don't think they'd believe guns to be black magic or sorcery; the later-day knights would have insight of explosive and the Romans would have seen sufficient shot weapons to realize that the rifles were some type of shot weapon. Be that as it may, these fighters would just have encountered massed bows and arrows volley fire, launches, or probably, crude gun. They would be unnerved by these bizarre officers, with their long-range and exact weapons. Furthermore, on the off chance that they saw the what different Corps had to bringing to the table; 

Once more, I don't think they'd bounce directly to accepting these to be magic or crafted by vindictive divine beings. For quite a while, individuals had imagined and arranged flying machines, extraordinary attack motors and defensively covered builds that no bolt or stone could harm. In any case, that doesn't mean they wouldn't be scared to see such things in real life. 

Ask yourself; on the off chance that you, with all your insight into the weapons and hardware the advanced warrior has, were given a sword, safeguard and a suit of protective layer, and shipped off battle against even a fundamental infantry area from as far back as eighty years prior… 

They would think they were divine beings from the sky. I accept they would be alarmed, not of their weapons from the outset but rather by their appearance. 

This cutting edge officer would horrify the Goth fighter underneath. He wouldn't realize what to think. Divine beings from a different universe. 

The alarming thing about present day warriors isn't their appearance. It's the information on their abilities. We understand how that man can manage that peculiar thing he's holding, and we likewise know the institutional strength that stands behind him, thus if that man were strolling with reason to our front entryway, we would be frightened. The Roman has no information on any of this, thus this current person's senseless outfit would not be threatening, only captivating. 

The genuine terrifying thing about present day troopers is that they'll kill you before you can even see them. What's more, the Romans would encounter this equivalent dread amplified commonly. 

Envision our advanced fighter is a perverted person and he/she runs into a watch of a couple of Roman officers. He/she chooses to pick a quick show of force, shooting everything except one of the troopers. 

Most importantly, there was presumably nothing at all in the normal Roman's reality so exceptionally boisterous as a short proximity gunfire. The sound alone would totally frighten the one excess Roman, not to mention the abrupt crippling and demise of his friends to an undetectable power. In the event that I were that Roman officer, I would think this man was in a real sense Jupiter heaving his thunderclaps. 

However, that is just if our fighter is a perverted person. Imagine a scenario where our fighter is pleasant. 

I think proficient warriors in any period share a ton practically speaking with proficient officers of different times. In the event that our fighter could effectively speak with the Romans and they understood they were all warriors, they would presumably be associating inside a couple of moments. The warrior would get a visit around the Roman camp, they would share food, they would have challenges of solidarity. 

Warriors do these things constantly. Such cooperations happened ordinarily during the universal conflicts: troopers, notwithstanding language hindrances and distinctive involvement in war, discovered shared conviction and traded endowments and became siblings, if just for brief timeframes. 

The Christmas détente of WWI 

I like to envision the cutting edge trooper and the Romans being companions. That is hopeful, yet I don't believe it's a lot to anticipate that the Romans should be more arranged to interest and receptiveness than dread toward a non-undermining yet bizarre individual.


Then reveal to them it’s just Capt. Anneliese Satz from VMFA-121 (corrected) , here to ruin their day:


Now this guy:

Not sure if this would necessarily be terrifying, though I would imagine ancient warriors would be at very least extremely confused. I could definitely see them being very perplexed and possibly a little worrisome given that they have no idea who, or what, is headed towards them. But would they be “scared” or “terrified”? There’s a good chance not (until they start shooting, as will be the case for all scenarios of course).

That brings us to this…..

These guys are terrifying even by today’s standards. These boogeymen keep the bad guys awake at night, and are extremely skilled and deadly. Tier one operators are the best of the best, without a doubt. So what would happen if an ancient soldier saw them stacking up on their house in the middle of the night? They would realistically probably think they were supernatural demons of the night sent to curse his family or some shit….which Lowkey isn’t too far off given how lethal tier one groups are in night-time direct action raids.

So appearance-wise, some soldiers might not scare ancient warriors at all while other could be down-right terrifying. But once they’d suffered massive casualties through multiple engagements with modern soldiers, you know what they would fear the most?

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