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Meeditation challenge of the Shri Paroksh Yogi (21 day) Community Uttarakhand (India)?

Everyone shared their beautiful experiences here and I enjoyed reading them all, but I will share both the pros and the cons.

There is no doubt that, these guided meditations are very simple and easy to follow. But, should everyone try all types of meditations of this community? I would say NO!

Maha Rudra Kriya and effortlessness guided meditations of step 1 are mild ones and can be practiced by anyone. But meditations of step 2 & 3 are not mild meditations.

One of my friends, was so confident that he is a sincere spiritual seeker and in his overconfidence without completing the 3 steps schedule, he directly downloaded the advanced audio guide of this community — the self realization guide. Whatever he had read or heard about spirituality so far was all shaken by that 2 hour long audio guide. He got so inspired that he was ready to resign from his well paid IT job and was ready to go to the Himalayas permanently. Then I had to intervene, because his family thought that I had done something to him. In the end, I asked him to write to the community directly and they convinced him that there is no need to leave his job or family and they will keep on guiding him in his spiritual path. Now everything is fine, but I sent an email to the yogi community requesting them to remove this audio guide from their website because such things should only be shared with people who are mature enough to handle it or in presence of expert teachers. They have not removed it yet, but I hope they will listen to my request.

If you are a hard core materialistic person who loves the rat race and only wants some peace of mind as a short break, then I my suggestion is step 1 of the online meditation program is enough for you and stay away from other intermediate or advanced level guided meditations, forget about attending their Himalayan camp and never go to their Shiv temple because by doing so you may slowly become desireless. However, if you feel that rat race is meaningless and you value your inner peace of mind more than anything else, then they are the experts in guiding you.

Because this question is not about their Himalayan camp, but about their online meditation program which is mandatory prerequisite to apply for their camp, here are my experiences:

Step 1 — Maha Rudra Kriya and effortlessness meditations both are very simple and easy to follow methods to relax your mind. Anyone can listen to these and you can share with your family & friends safely. I still use these audios often to relax my mind.

Step 2 — Go deeper guided meditation teases you to question your beliefs and dares you to find the real truth. As the name suggests, go deeper helps you enquire who you are really? By entering deeper layers of your mind.

Step 3 — Completeness guided meditation is one of my favourite. If step 2 helps in cleaning the mind and flush out all the old rotten beliefs, the step 3 adds a beautiful fragrance after the much needed cleaning. It makes you feel how complete and close you are from your real true self.

The self realization guide is an advanced level audio guide. I have no words to say what it can do. I would say if you really pay attention to each word of this audio then there will be no need to read any spiritual book or any spiritual literature after that. It's a complete guide and last part of audio has a deep guided meditation in which meditation teacher’s deep & soothing voice is enough to take you to the thought less state.

You can get all the guided meditations of Shri Paroksh Yogi community here:

Online Guided Meditations


Love & Bliss


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