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Seven Wonders in the world

 "It's not the goodbye that hurts but the flashback that follows", isn't it true?

I entered the hospital with a packet of sandwiches . Into the room where my brother who was sitting on the edge of the bed with his jeans and blue tea shirt . He joked with a Punjabi slang look she is quicker then the bag which the thieves had to take away . Chroran nal pand kali . Earlier he did not approve of my coming to the hospital . Where he had the procedure . He needed a stent in his heart . A week earlier the doctor had tried on him . But he could not do it . The artery was very blocked . My brother insisted no Sir I want to improve my quality of life . The doctor told him it could be fatal . Or so. But both insisted . So I was there the second time . He glanced at the packet . What is this ! I had to tell him . Like always pound foolish penny wise . As why she has spent . His wife , son , and my niece were sitting in a corner . The doctor was supposed to take his time . My brother we all had the most busy time . Gossiping, talking on various topics . In between the nurse brought him a blue pajama and shirt . The hospital dress . That he change . He did . Laughing at the shirt that two buttons were missing . The flash back about what we talked has diminished quite a lot . Those were normal gossips or details . Some I can remember but I have forgotten most of it . We all with him had to wait for some hours . His turn hasn’t come . Yet . In between his son went out to call the secretary of the doctor . To ask about his turn . A fat person came in assuring that your turn comes after two persons in side the OT . After some wait he was called . One of my nephews also joined us . My brother tried to give each one of us a jovial company . Talked here and there . On the call . He took out his comb from his luggage . Again laughing better fix my hair . After that he started getting out of the room . Hurriedly . I walked after him . He tried to stop me . Waved at me and turned right into the OT . The wave turned out to be a goodbye to me and to all of us . He was inside . Came out out heavily sedated . No the procedure could not happen . He was sleeping , unconscious . Taken to the ICU . They did not say it was serious . After quite some time . I went in . Called his name Sani . But he was very unconscious or very sleepy . The same person he was laughing with us this morning seemed in a rest or God knows . We waited , His Doctor had left for his house . He was called . They were trying their ways . I did not guess . He is on the verge of saying a goodbye to us . I did not . Now I accuse myself as why I did not perceive he is slipping away once and forever . I trusted his most talented General of the Army . That he will get fine . No he did not . We were told by his doctor . Sorry we could not save him . I screamed at his Doctor . What have you done ? The shock , the disbelief . The pain . Uncertainty , Grief engulfed till today . Since two years and seven months . The flashbacks are too unbearable . I cannot bear this with my own life . He has taught me that life has no meaning . We leave all behind . There is a long time and history of him . Which remains in my mind . I lost a friend . A companion . Mentor . My closest sympathiser for every. I moved into a new land . Back where he lived along with me . The town , the city had his flashbacks , memories . Every thing has ceased . He is not there . The goodbyes follow the cruel non existence of the person who was so close to you . My own existence seems irrelevant , petty and meaningless . I end up like him in no time . Yes , it hurts he deserved to live . Enjoy what he made for his life .But it tells about my own self . They say time is great healer . But for me verses him it has showed me the route and path which I will follow him . Sooner or later . The flashbacks are true to the realities of our life . Which we who are left behind are bound to learn and become aware of our cruel life . The lesson is no doubt very severe to digest and tolerate ! The flashbacks of the person who I won’t see . Again . Speak to him .His time tenure has finished. Come to a halt . That hurts after the goodbye which I literally waved and he waved in return . Asking me to go back . That wave haunts me . His face remains in my eyes . In his blue pyjama and blue shirt will remain forever in my mind and thinking !

The 7 wonders of the world have changed over time from the original 7 wonders of the ancient world. Listed below are the 7 wonders considered to be the 7 wonders of the New World.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India.

Taj Mahal is a symbol of love. Emperor Shah Jahan built this wonder in honour of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who gave him 14 children and died in labor. It is a white structure that took more than 20,000 labourers and 1,000 elephants to complete. The construction of the world’s richest tomb begun in 1632 and was completed in 1653

The great wall of China, China.

More than 13,000 miles in length, the great wall of China is an ancient series of walls and fortifications. It was built to keep invaders from crossing China’s northern border. However, some parts of the walls were destroyed over the years due to erosion and flooding. Still, you can have a walking tour on the wall.

Machu Pichu, Peru.

Machu Pichu is an Incan city located in the Andes Mountains in Peru, above the Urubamba River valley. According to historians, the architectural complex was built in the 15th century, by the Inca Pachacutec. The former use of this place remains a mystery. The site itself is an earthquake-prone area, but strangely the stones in this building bounce through the tremors and then fall back into place, keeping the place intact.

Rome Colosseum, Rome, Italy.

Rome is an elegant ancient city. Roman Colosseum was built around 80 A.D., and it can accommodate 50,000 people in tiered seating. You will feel like you are in the sets of the gladiator movie once you enter this place. It is an amazing spot, apart from the destructions caused by earthquakes, vandals and fire.

Christ the Redeemer Statue, Brazil.

Christ, the Redeemer Statue was constructed between 1922 and 1931. This 98 feet tall iconic statue is made to neutralise the increasingly “sinful” nature of the Republic of Brazil, which had separated church from state in 1889. Usually, christ statues come with a cross, but this one has open arms which are depicted as a symbol of peace.

Petra, Jordan.

Petra is an ancient stone complex built by the Nabataeans and is situated in Jordan’s southwestern desert. It is believed to have been established around 300 BC. Located between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, Petra is a long drive from Amman. Added to the New 7 Wonders of the World recently.

It was a forgotten city which was rediscovered by a Swiss explorer it in 1812. This architectural wonder is carved directly into the pink sandstone cliff faces, creating a fantastic view for the visitors.

Chichen Itza, Mexico.

Chichen Itza is the largest and most famous pyramid in the Yucatan and was built in 600 A.D. It is recommended to visit it on March 21st, the Spring Equinox, to witness the renowned serpent effect on the main pyramid.

Picture Source Google

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