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I see many pictures on Google comparing Trump to Obama which make Trump look bad. Are there pictures that make Obama look bad?

There are always pictures that make somebody look bad.

It’s quite interesting that almost every person who hates Trump almost always refers to the pictures which have been cherry-picked against him instead of declaring what they dislike about his policies.

While I dislike or am neutral about quite a number of his decisions, most people seem to hate him on a personal level, rather than a political level. Republicans are hypocrite, regressive cult. And Trump is the ring leader and he got them by balls, because he has a bunch of retarded, common-sense lacking lot following him.

Isn't it obvious Trump caused the attack on Capitol, and the Republicans were like we got to stop playing lies about voter fraud now cause shit's going crazy now. And as soon as they realized, oh Trump still has followers even after leaving office, they were back on his side defending his attack on Capitol.

agree that it is unfair to compare people based on pictures alone. What you should do instead is compare them based on not just their actions, what the circumstances were and how their judgment impacted the country as a whole.

Before we begin though, I’d like to apologize to Barack Obama:

^That is one way to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day.

^A middle aged man doing the peace sign has always made me uncomfortable.

^You had the tan suit mess. I honestly think the sincerity of his smile made it work though.

^That face is priceless.

^Who else uses Dijon Mustard?

^Politicians always have the cheesiest smiles.

At any time, somebody could take a picture of you in a poorly timed millisecond. Literally everyone is at risk from this - not just Presidents, so be careful.

To everyone reading - thanks and have a wonderful day!

Everytime he addresses the nation is about self-praise and when its about giving out some information about something, at the end of it, we are like what is he talking about. After 2 days, we get the actual message which would be the complete opposite of what he said. He lies straight face, deny obvious facts, and full of pride. A leader of the nation saying Covid will disappear magically, refuses to wear a mask, he down played the pandemic and is the reason US is split into two sides.

All this are facts about him. I dont have anything against Trump personally, he can go back making TV shows or whatever, but we all know that dumb-f*k is an incompetent leader.

is easy to cherry pick pictures and give them a different interpretation. I could almost add captions to them. The one where the lady is holding up her finger at him, is the governor or former governor of Arizona, Jan Something or another. It really was an encounter at the airport where she started screaming at him and shaking her finger at him. He maintained his cool and actually leaned forward so that she would not have to scream so loud I guess. I remember that incident so clearly because I was so shocked and appalled. How could she talk to a President of the United States in public like that? I am so happy she’s gone. I don’t mean she died. I don’t really know if she did or didn’t. What I mean is I’m glad that she is no longer governor of Arizona.

Poor Prince William knows all about that.

Obama is no exception. There are plenty of misleading photos.

He looks condescending here.

He looks bored and uninterested here.

And of course, he looks like he’s getting too friendly with another woman here. We’ve probably all seen this one.

Look at him selfishly forcing the marine to hold the umbrella while the marine faced the rain.

Pictures are wonderfully easy to cherry-pick for any desired effect.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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