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Has corruption disappeared under Narendra Modi Government?

Has corruption disappeared under Narendra Modi government?


How can corruption be eradicated from India?

One more factor I can think of to add is population. Indian overpopulation which can't be supported by current socioeconomic fabric, leads to poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, crimes etc which all increase corruption one way or another. It also affects corruption directly. In India where thousands of people are competing for one single opportunity, at least 5% of them are bound to be on equal footing in most aspects. Also in Indian society which strongly emphasizes on winning and failures are shunned, everyone wants just a little edge over the next guy in line and often corruption provides a way to achieve it. I don’t think population is an issue, take China in this case. They have more population than us. So, population is not an issue. The exact issue that you may have wanted to say is that the number of doctors, engineers, police etc. is not proportion with the population. It's not only the poor salaries that are tempting the cops and clerks to under table deals. It's the greed. I am into business for 15 years and I knew so called clerks owning 3 to 4 flats in posh localities. I knew doctors who are HODs but stretch their hands for as low as Rs. 200 to 500 for issuing a physically handicapped certificate. Their salaries are not less than Rs. 60,000 PM. Corruption is something that's being induced in to an individual's mind as soon as he identifies that he is in the capacity to fulfill someone's need... at a cost. Maybe it is induced even at the time when they apply for such a position, the honest ones do not go for that role as the honest salary is too low and the ones that reach there have already made up the mind. Again for me the reason seems to be low salaries. The salary that you mentioned for a doctor looks to be low when compared to the private market or similar fields.  Most of the underlying reasons for the rising corruption in India are captured in this answer, however, one thing seems to be missing, which is the significant contribution to corruption made by common man, we the people of India. Most of us want immediate response or results to our requirements and are voluntarily willing to pay bribe to get the work done. We lack respect to the law of the country. We have no regard for rules and regulations. We easily break rules for our selfish motives. We hate to wait in queues, even at temples you will find people bribing the security guards to avoid standing in long queues to offer prayers to God. At least at religious places one is expected to follow ethics but in reality it is not so. So how much ever changes are brought about in India by the Government , say by raising salaries of public servants such as cops, or by making the suggested technological advancement, but corruption cannot be eradicated from India unless the mind-set of the Indian people changes. first and foremost point you missed, i.e I don't want to say illiteracy I just want to say uneducated people, who are literate but not educated. especially in urban areas. they wont even care to pay bribe, as a educated he have to oppose but it is the other way in cities. worst part is our education system, which is suppose to teach your rights and duties as a citizen it is not happening, all these corporate schools now a days what they are doing is just want to learn something, just competition they want to compete which is not healthy, with others irrespective of your ability, even every parent want there kids to be super kid, they want them to be first in studies and they dont care about there physical activities at all. so education system has to change the way they teach to kids has to change, let them know there rights from the budding stage. let them teach where to ask questions rather than paying bribe.Next thing if India could able to pay basic pay which is self sufficient then automatically ethics will develop in most of the citizen, police basically who are used to bribes, they should get periodical counselling about the consequences and effect on poor as well as on there carriers. probably these might change our culture of paying bribes.. i think India is changing. it will eventually. Sometimes a simple change in attitudes and some innovative thinking could result in betterment even though the product is nearly 100% sold by Govt owned companies. An example is how simple getting a gas connection has become. A gas connection - even in urban places- used to be scarce and tough to obtain during the license raj. But, post liberalisation, even though the retailers were essentially Govt owned companies, by importing LPG, gradual phase out of subsidies, allowing Private companies like RIL to operate in the Energy sector, getting a gas connection became such a hassle free experience. Conclusion: Excessive Govt may just not be the problem. Inefficiency and lack of innovation are bigger issues. There is no reason why private sector alone should have a monopoly on innovation and efficiency. We are all seeing how some lobbies in the private sector have tried to stifle the e-commerce revolution. Thus forces in the private sector also may cause inefficiencies. How to solve problems in such a scenario? The starting salary post seventh pay commission for clerks and policemen ( grade C employees ) will be in the range of ₹ 35,000 - ₹ 40,000. Starting salary prior to that was somewhere in the neighborhood of ₹ 30,000. Additionally, government employees, who're mostly incompetent and corrupt, are overpaid vis a vis their civilan counterparts. No wonder unemployed young men in India are willing to pay up to a million rupees to buy these jobs. I know several people who're in police and other departments who took this route. Far from the picture you have painted, they are not underpaid. They're well-fed, well-paid and pampered like babies. I am attaching something for your referenc. Constabulary gets paid almost 30k INR per month as the initial Gross pay.(Take home should be around 20k to 25k). Its not the low salary that matters. Its the lack of promotion opportunities. A person joining as a constable at 25 years will remain a constable till he is 50 years. Then he will be a Head constable. He might retire as an SI with good luck. In Private Sector, a Software Developer with zero experience will get paid 12K INR initially, but will end up with 1 lakh plus INR after around 6 years of experience. He or she will probably retire with around 4 or 6 Crores in Assets. That is the reason. India should ban IPS which is a colonial vestige, and allow Constables to be promoted. In UK, Police commissioners are those who would have joined as Constables. The salary of police officers and all central and state government officials are now much higher than 2,000, etc. They are more in the range of 20k to 30k even at starting levels, not to mention the large number of holidays and perks enjoyed by Government officials, though unfortunately not the police personnel. As for judicial system, it is non-functional! Some of the other factors you haven’t touched upon are the excessive amount of corruption by the political leaders, right from Nehru’s time and Nehru not only tolerated it but is reported to have said about Pratap Singh kairon when someone reported to him about the corruption by the then Punjab CM, that he doesn’t mind as long as he delivers and is not caught! The level of corruption by the Nehru family, from Indira Gandhi onwards is noting short of looting the country, nearly like what the British did for two centuries! Added to that are the absence of laws such as “Witness protection act” and the enormous delays running into decades for any case to see completion. One must not forget the historical, cultural and religions aspect. The British were excessively corrupt and also tolerated corruption by the Indian subordinates as long as they could get their loot! The way it is practiced, our Hindu religion itself is transactional, in which one makes deals with God and “bribes” God for getting ones’ wishes! Corruption is in the DNA of Indians.Even if you raise their salaries by a factor of 20 of what they now get, they'll still be rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of making another quick couple of thousands under the chair or table or whatever other furniture you've got. It's all to do with NIL pride as a citizen that we've got. It has to do with our lifestyle where anything is accepted.We accept peeing on roads as well as we accept pooing on roads. No discrimination! We accept any vise under the sun-such has become our culture.Rapes have become acceptable as a currency-RAPISTS are NOT looked down upon-the RAPED is being looked down upon.And we are discussing just a measly issue as corruption?!

Factors that affect corruption:

  1. Low salaries: Poor countries are all corrupt. While it can easily argued that corruption causes poverty, the reverse is also partly true. One issue is that many of key government personnel - such as cops and clerks are paid quite low in poor countries. Police in many parts of India earn about Rs.2000/month ($30). Even honest players in such environment will be tempted to deal under the table. US and UK got rich, before they got less corrupt.
  2. Fear of reprisals: In the US no one dares touch a cop. If a cop is killed, the entire might of US machinery will be upon the criminal. India has a fairly strong underworld and honest officers are often silenced violently. Our law & order system is not strong enough to wipe out the gangs. Before we take on corruption, we have to make sure that our honest officers don't end up like Negi RK. That requires a strong war on gangs.
  3. Excessive government: Our government tries to run everything from airlines to mines and hotels. Ask your parents about the time they had to bribe a government official to get a scooter, electricity connection or a telephone line. Most of these are privatized now and we no longer pay bribes to buy cars, motorcycles or phones. If everything else is equal, more government leads to more corruption.
  4. Poor technology: In the US, almost all records are digitized and made public. You can scroll over any street and find out what is the sale price of any house (very hard to buy homes with illicit money). In India, things still run on paper. The biggest movement of blackmoney is in land dealings and we don't have the records properly digitized yet. Once you put all sale records online and interface it with Google maps, a lot of whoppers will be found out (many houses are drastically underpriced for black money movement).

The primary culprit here is the govt itself. It has created such a huge mess of red tape rules, common man is forced to pay bribes for rules which cant be followed. if these are done away and simple forms with detailed do it yourself type of items are provided; bribes will come down to negligable levels. Also taxation is very high as very less people pay high taxes forces them to rethink short cuts 

Our land registration happens through government recognised price. The problem is that govt price is way less than market price. As long as the difference exists, there will be black money as the other amount is covered from illegal(tax not paid) 

The question and this answer are terribly one-sided. It completely ignores that fact that things considered as corruption in India are considered par for the course in USA. e.g. election / political funding. As long as it is channeled thru’ right channels of PAC / SuperPAC, donations to political parties are legal in USA, subject to the proviso that there is no direct link between the donation and policy making to favor the donor. This kind of obfuscation will simply not fly in India - donating money to a political party obviously comes with strings attached. 

And corruption means not only taking or giving bribes or doing illegal things but also

- undervaluation of properties done by most of the people including people in Quora for avoidance of correct registration rates,short term capital gains which is our fundamental duty to pay to government
- purchasing various goods without proper bills thereby avoiding VAT to government by us and enabling sellers avoid paying sales tax to government
Most of the times it happens in gold purchases also,where government is losing thousands of crores per annum its revenue
- under reporting of ones income to avoid paying proper income tax

These also come under corruption which most of the educated,urban or rural middle and upper class people do regularly including those present on https://www.negiv.com but talk loud condemning corruption of others

As long as this hypocritical mentality exists among INDIANS,chance of corruption going away from India is minimal. In all honesty the "real" form of democracy came to India only in the 90s post liberalisation. Before that it was a socialist country though it with addendums of democracy like elections. So the democracy as a concept in entirety took place in the last 20 years. Within this time we have progressed much in terms of digitizing services, introducing aadhar which all reduces corruption. Progress has been rapid and I think this scourge will be reduced significantly in the coming years. India has a pervasive belief that efficiency is unacceptable if it means that some people will lose their jobs. As a result, things that work efficiently in US, do not work well in India UNLESS you are willing to pay a lot of employees (servants) to do things you could easily do yourself. This servant mentality leads naturally to corruption. You want something done? It is cheaper to pay the bribe. In America? Forget the bribe, it is cheaper to do it yourself. And now what's your opinion on him? Lol. In all honesty the "real" form of democracy came to India only in the 90s post liberalisation. Before that it was a socialist country though it with addendum of democracy like elections. So the democracy as a concept in entirety took place in the last 20 years. Within this time we have progressed much in terms of digitizing services, introducing Adhar which all reduces corruption. Progress has been rapid and I think this scourge will be reduced significantly in the coming years

Here are the home prices in my area that I could obtain in 2 seconds. If I can do this in India, a major change in black money would occur.

Detailed research here:

  1. A rotten state
  2. Page on kpmg.com
  3. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/wp9863.pdf

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