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What's the most upsetting thing about the human impact on nature?

Then you will have better peace of mind when you get that junk mail. :)

About 90% of the mail I get, goes directly into the garbage can.

I can’t get them to stop sending the mail. I’ve tried with many of them. It kills me because I know it kills trees to make that junk mail.

The number is worse than I could have guessed. 100 million trees are chopped down annually just to produce mail that you throw directly into the trash.

Over in Europe we have mailbox stickers stating “no door to door mail, only addressed mail.” also variations like “no salesmen, jehova’s or charity collections “. a) A laminated notice at my gate iterating no solicitors, flyers or free newspapers got them to stop completely (I filled a 30gallon box every week from flyers and free newspapers until the sign went up)

b) There are YouTube videos that show how to recreate pulp by adding water to flyers then using a mixer to break it down. Then the pulp is placed in a cylindrical mold with a press to form homemade burn logs that can be used in fireplaces and wood stoves for heat.

And it works!

Perhaps it's a nice niche biz adventure in the US. Design and print stickers and sell them for 1$ each. Just plant a few trees in return ok, thanks!

We need some sort of rule or registration that prevents any junk mail from coming to us. It would be nice if regulators did something but I’ll go ahead and assume lobbyists would stop that from happening. You should not be thinking of the trees. By this point paper comes almost 100% from tree farms that would have been developed for other uses if there was not a demand for their paper.

Instead, think about the impact of all the oil that goes into the plastic films & inks & such to make the junk mail so shiny. That has a much larger carbon footprint than the paper alone.

Picture Courtesy Google
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