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The top 10 best business ideas of future? What are best business ideas that can make you billionaire? Best Business ideas to become Successful.

The top 10 best business ideas of future? What are best business ideas that can make you billionaire? Best Business ideas to become Successful.

If you know the difference between NEED, WANT and DESIRE you are half done to become billionaire.
Your business ideas depends upon same.
business ideas are mix of above.
Now let us take an example!
Your diet need wheat flour for breads. Round and soft bread easy to eat is your want and you wanted your flour to be multi grained is desire.
So if you go and analyze market on need want and desire: You will able to get a good going idea of product.
Few ideas according to me:
(1)Manufacturing of biscuits breads etc.
(2) Manufacturing of mobile phones
(3) Manufacturing of tooth paste brushes
(4) solar energy kits
(5) pearl harvesting
(6) mobile applications on needs
(7) Server selling
(8) Need based services
(9) publications
(10) Tourism industry

11 Business ideas and concepts that will do well in tomorrow’s market:

  • Healthy fast food
  • Virtual reality concepts
  • Website renting
  • High quality pet food
  • Education technology
  • Subscription boxes for niches
  • Organic vending machines
  • Blockchain payment gateway / smart contract
  • Internet of things IOT
  • Real estate
  • Hyperloop trains

First of all, understand that the billionaire tag is simply an indirect allusion to the size of the market the billionaire has an ownership stake in (most of the time at least).

For example, you could own a business owning 1 single clothing store that sells high end luxury goods, but you’ll never be a billionaire if it doesn’t scale up to a giant corporation. Your market needs to be much much bigger.

For me it would have to be:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Drop Servicing
  3. YouTube
  4. Blog
  5. Drop Shipping
  6. Real Estate
  7. Stocks
  8. Freelancing
  9. Teaching
  10. Building a Theme Page on Instagram

So first of all, you need to tackle a big market. Global. You need to provide a good or service that is needed not only in your country, but across the world. So you need to think wide, here are areas where many billionaires are minted:

finance, insurance, retail, pharmaceutical, industrial (mining), technology

You’ll see a recurring theme, most of the industries produce things for the human populace. Not a particular subset, ethnicity or community. In fact I don’t think there has been a billionaire that has only produced a good relevant for a particular community or market. For example, Steve Jobs’ iPhone is used in China, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, and Australia. When people across the world consume Coca Cola, Warren Buffet pockets a little change in the form of dividends.

Either you live in a giant country with a big GDP and you tackle a national market, or you build something for someone somewhere in another corner of the world (global player like Coca Cola/General Electric).

Also understand that not all businesses are alike. A lot of people turn their hobbies into businesses, but not all hobbies have big markets that’ll make you a billionaire. So first off, you’ll never become a billionaire if your business only serves a $50 million market.

For example, the Nigerian, Korean, Indian, or Lebanese movie industry has never produced a billionaire like Hollywood has (Steven Spielberg is worth $3.6 billion). Same with the guy who made Avatar, James Cameron who’s also in that league.

I’m pretty sure there are stellar directors in other nations, but nobody watches their product outside of their country, which is unlike Hollywood which has a world as a market for their product.

Billionaire isn’t luck, it’s pure science, getting there may involve luck, but becoming and staying one isn’t. It’d be extremely foolish to think you can become a billionaire by selling $300 carbon fiber pants with gold leafing that are marketed only via a physical shop in the middle of nowhere to gay people only.

If you find a cure for some kind of recurring disease, or if you start a car company that produces electric super cars like Tesla, or if you start even a Coffee Shop that’s even cooler than Starbucks and has a global brand appeal, then you’re on track.

Take a look at products billionaires make and you’ll notice they are relevant for almost most of humanity. And that, my dear boy, is why they’re billionaires in the first place. The size of their market is just so massive, either that, or it’s insanely profitable and the markets value their company market cap so high the valuation goes to the moon, and the stake/ownership value of the individual becomes worth billions and you’re officially a billionaire (this is the case with all billionaires).

Billionaire is really a byword for “someone who has a considerable piece of the world economy in their hands. ”

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. There are billionaires in almost every industry:
All you have to do is make a product that is better (at least 10x) and sell at a decent price than what's available and aim to gain lead in the market.
Here are some examples of people who became billionaire using the above method:
1. Chobani Yogurt. Hamdi Ulukaya perfected a yogurt recipe and now leads the brand in USA.
2. Flex N Gate. Shahid Khan designed high quality car bumpers and now used by almost every major car manufacturer.
3. Dyson. James Dyson made the best vacuum and the hair dryer than anyone in the world.
4. 5-Hour Energy. Manoj Bhargava perfected the recipe of this energy drink and became a billionaire.
5. Cirque du Soleil. Guy Laliberte puts up the best circus show in the world.
6. Spanx. Sara Blakely made women's underwear clothing better than any one in the world.
7. Lululemon. Chip Wilson made yoga pants better than any one else.
So the moral of this story is: what product can you make that is at least 10X better than anyone else? How are you going to become the market leader?
You can become a billionaire in many industries. Some of them include:
- Solar Power
- Wind Power
- Machinery & Equipment
- Computers & Electronics
- Candies
- Alcohol
- Hotels & restaurants
- Clothing
- Watch
- prescription drugs
- movies
You start from one product, master it and then move on. The profits you get from that product can be used to expand into more products or different industries. Over time, you will become a billionaire! You don't have to become a billionaire through one product/industry or in one year. Set your goal of at least 20-25 years. 
Most Billionaires become billionaires by disrupting, creating and then becoming dominant in the industry that they are in. You can only become a billionaire by creating at least $10b in value. That is an important statement, notice I did not say that you need $10b in sales just $10b in value.

In the next 10 years at least 1000 new people will become Billionaires around the world, in the same space of time around 500 billionaires will lose there Billionaire status. So I would guess that there are hundreds of new ways that someone could become a billionaire.

My suggestion is that we as Humans have an unlimited need to be entertained or stimulated. I believe there is a Billion Dollars waiting for anybody that can build a game that is challenging, strategic, never ending and requires attention from the player over a long period of time.

However it must be asked, why do you even need to become a billionaire a fortune of even $30m, would give you a fantastic lifestyle that would allow you to do everything you have ever wanted.

I would not focus on being a Billionaire but rather focus on delivering a superior product or service and getting satisfaction from that.

ness is about helping other people, and so if you want to be a billionaire you need to have an idea or implement a business idea which has the possibility of helping a billion people. If you start a local business it has not much chance of being able to help a billion people, and so there is no way that you’re going to start a local business and become a billionaire.

So, you need to ask yourself the question, does my business have the possibility of helping a billion people? And if it does then at the end of the success of your business you have at least a small possibility of becoming a billionaire. There’s obviously no guarantee in any type of business. When you implement that idea because that is where the value is, it’s not in the business idea, it’s in the implementation. Does it have the possibility of helping a billion people?

A business focusing on Innovation, lets say A tech company. If your business can’t regularly make breakthroughs or in a sense own a majority of the market in that field your business won't last long at all. Yet alone be worth 1 billion dollars. For example Apple regularly innovates in the field of handheld phones, there worth one trillion dollars. They share the market with few key contenders too.

If it does then maybe you will be a billionaire. I would also add, do you have a good reason why you would like to be a billionaire? And not many people do unless of course, you’re thinking about it from the perspective of, if my business reaches a billion people then they will be significantly better off than they are now. Maybe that is a good reason why you would want to be a billionaire, but it’s not necessarily about the money. Let’s say you wanted to make a hundred million versus a billion, your lifestyle isn’t going to change very much based on those two examples.

A product used by many people makes the owner billionaire.

Microsoft, used by many.

Amazon, used by many.

Tesla, used my many.

Coca-cola, used by many.

McDonald’s, used by many.

Pictures like this makes billionaire.

Amazon is busy. Hence Jeff Bezos is rich.

Bloomberg terminals in use in one office.

Picture Source Google

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