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Is Narendra Modi really changing India? Is India changing?


I think the problem with BJP and Modi is that, they want to be in leagues with Deng Xiaoping, Lee Kuan Yew or Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. All these people recieved poor and backward nations at the time of ascending to power, but through sheer force of will and practicality brought their nation to a prosperous present. All these people are remembered by the coming generations for their magnanimous role in the transformation of their respective nation. There are pros and cons, be it Mr. Singh or Mr. Modi. One major difference is that Singh's govt. absorbed some rising global prices such as oil, but Modi's govt. passed it all on to the people burdening them even more.

Got Defence upgrade by Modi, which was lagging in Singh. Modi gave free will to our defence forces to handle terrorism and gave befitting replies to our neighbor's misadventures.

Patriotism is good, but cannot give food or jobs to our people.

Comparatively people were happier in Singh's govt. But what choice do we have now, i mean opposition is useless, let's face it, who wants Pappu for PM?

BJP and Modi wants to be like them, whom will be remebered by future generation for transforming the country. But they tend to forget, that they are a part of democracy, which by it’s very nature, slows down any type of change. Then they also have to think about wining elections all the time, for which they have to keep polarising people into groups, so that they remain in power in order to implement their grand vision, but their grand vision is poisoned with the same religious fundamentalism and bigotism that they used to divide people and the sheer incompetence of majority of it’s leader.

That’s why they lash out, which appears in the form of fascist tendencies. They want to have that authoritative influence that the above mentioned leaders had, to implement their vision, but they forget that all the above mentioned leaders were pragmatic without an iota of any worthless religious ideology clouding their administrative decision and had laser sharp focus on the developement of the country and it’s CITIZEN.

They get trapped in petty politics in order to stay in power, while entirely forgetting about the purpose they came to power, doing mediocre work and passing half baked policies as a result.

This is Indisputable. However this is nothing great or unique. Every Nation Changes. Throughout history except on 2 Occasions - Iran in 1979 and Pakistan post 2010 - every Nation has evolved and moved forward towards Technological and Infrastructure based change and development and along with it developed their economy.

This is entirely due to Economic and Free Forces (Not the Star wars type force but a type of Market Force) which propels a Nation forward especially over the last 10 - 15 years when Globalization has been at its highest.

The Rate of Change will be faster for Developing Nations than Developed Nations but that is because the Changes in Developing Nations will be more uneven and superficial whereas the Changes in Developed Nations will be deeper and more even.

Look at India, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mexico - and all these countries and many more would have changed from what they were in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s. They would all have moved on to newer technologies and newer infrastructure and development.

The Role of the Government and Leaders (Head of State/Government) is to ensure that the Change happens in the right manner and the Change benefits the country and its people and the Change is not impeded or obstructed.

Is Modi Changing India?

No. He is not. He is rather impeding the potential of our country to change faster.

Rule Number 1 for any change to achieve maximum impact - Economy. This is the Golden Rule. US, China, UK, Germany - all have achieved their greatest change related structures under flourishing economy.

Mr Modi has given us the worst economic management by an Indian Leader beating even Shri Deve Gowda and tying for first place with Mr Chandrashekar.

Lets talk of Digital Payments. The Change was inevitable. It would have happened within 5–6 years. More people would have gone digital.

Mr Modis manner of promoting Digital Payments was nuking the Countrys currency. The result - You have Digital Payments but in the process you have paupered a huge chunk of small businesses and blown a huge hole in the economy.

Lets talk of Agriculture. Market Forces were already slowly seeping in. Farmers in States were selling to outsiders confidently. Rules were followed. Food Production was superb with excess of food being produced by us. The Market could have handled it and over 10–15 years things would have slowly become better with gentle nudges from the Government here and there (State mainly but also center).

Instead Mr Modi passed a set of laws that could blitz everything and is causing one of Indias most prolonged protests and causing random porn stars to lash out at the country.

Lets talk of Banking. Market forces would have slowly taken towards divestment eventually when the economy was correct. NPA resolution would have slowly eroded had the banks and RBI under a competent governor taken charge. It would have taken 10 - 20 years but the Country would have come out stronger.

Instead Mr Modi passed a series of halfwit mergers with zero benefits, caused shakeups, forced MSME loans, flooded banks with Parallel economy cash and is now determined to sell the banks to make up for his past errors.

And the list goes on and on and on - Mr Modi always selects some area which only needs fine-tuning and passes some utterly destructive policy and destroys everything. This is his modus operandi.

Meanwhile Health, Education - Areas were Reform is needed - He ignores Coolly

So India is changing but Mr Modi is ensuring that our change is as slow as possible.

Its like going 5 steps forward and then being pushed 4 steps behind while your neighbors are moving only 3 steps forward but nobody is pushing them back and they are now going ahead of you.

The Country would have progressed farther under Mr Singh or Mr Vajpayee, much farther.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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