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How to stay safe in Australia? Annoying things no to do in Australia?

How to stay safe in Australia? Annoying things no to do in Australia

If you want to keep your intestines inside your tummy. When you go bush walking and you come across ‘Skippy’ the friendly Grey Kangaroo.. and you think that you can go up and pat him.. Don’t! They're actually really nice animals, they get a really bad rap by those who either fear them or don't understand them, who consider them as a pest.

Contrary to popular belief, they're very intelligent. They learn quickly and are quite cluey about their surroundings.

I would never advise anyone to approach a wild roo, yes as a mob animal they will defend their own from a human (to them we're just like any other predator), also due to the fact that scaring a roo bad enough can be fatal (stress myopathy).

They are also a very loving and nurturing animal as well and will only ever attack if they feel threatened or cornered. They are purely a prey animal, not a predator.

A sad story that will give you an idea of what an alpha will do to protect his mob can be taken from last year's Aussie bushfires. When mobs could not outrun the towering walls of flames coming towards them, alphas were sighted standing inbetween the mob and the approaching flames. They'd rear up as tall as they could and in a vein effort, resulting in certain death, they would stand their ground and attempt to protect the mums and their joeys. In a pure act of love for their families they gave their lives doing what little they could in an attempt to save them from raging bushfires. It of course was entirely futile but will give you an insight into how tight knit these mobs are and that they are a loving animal.

Kangaroo’s will always move away from you before you even see them, unless they are cornered and then they will take you to task… The most dangerous animal in Australia because of its aggression is the Razor Back Pig. A large male Razor Back will attack you if you are anywhere near his territory. He will hunt you down and maul you to death using his large tusk teeth and then eat you, flesh, bones and all. :)

Just leave Skippy alone. Skippy is 2m tall, weighs about 100kg and he has an attitude problem when it comes to people wanting to pat him.

Then again Skippy the Grey Kangaroo is still far friendlier than his cousin from Alice Springs. Roger, the Red Kangaroo. He likes to crush steel cans for fun and if he gets you, he will do the same to you.. you will never out run Roger.

And by steel can I really thought you meant on of these.

Picture Source Wikipedia
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