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How to play PUBG in India? How Indian gmmers are still playing PUBG after Ban

How to play PUBG in India? How Indian gmmers are still playing PUBG after Ban

(One only needs a credible Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to get around if a state government were to block PUBG.)

If you’re craving your daily dose of PUBG, you can still play the game on a PC, PS4 or the Xbox. This is possible since the game is developed by the PUBG Corporation, which is solely owned by Korea-based BlueHole. The PC version of the game is called PUBG PC, while the console versions are called PUBG PS4 and PUBG Xbox. The Tencent Games connection is restricted to the PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite apps. 

We're INDIANS हम इंडियन नहीं सुधरेंगे

Following (JUGAAD😀)/steps to download PUBG in INDIA

  1. Download a VPN and change your designated region from India to any place else (preferably a country where the game is not banned).
  2. Go to PUBG Mobile's website and download the APK Link. Please note that the game's file is 624 MB. ...
  3. Download and install the file.

First about how PUBG is spoiling us- Now I'm just here pointing out only my opinions. The real outcome maybe different from what I think. With the increasing popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a debate has also started around the world where people are worried about addiction to this online game and the kind of mental damage it can cause. Now, some schools in Bengaluru have started warning parents against letting their kids play the online game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG for extended hours after cases of addiction came to light in the city.

Moreover, the Associated Management of English Medium Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) will reportedly issue an advisory to parents in order to ask them to restrict the time students are spending on playing the PUBG game.

“We will ask our member schools to write to parents about this. We have, in the past, had discussions with the education department on imposing restrictions on the number of hours a child spends playing such games. We want the police to also play an active role and take precautions to ensure measures are put in place to ensure children do not play such games,” KAMS was quoted by Deccan Herald.

According to Dr. Manoj Sharma, Professor of Clinical Psychology, there were just three to four cases of PUBG addiction related to mental health in the initial months, however, the count has increased to 40 cases a month. Dr. Manoj Sharma highlighted the fact that students are playing PUBG overnight to compete with players from different time zones and there is a 19-year-old engineering student who starts playing PUBG at 12 midnight and continues till 4 am which has completed destroyed his sleeping cycle. The popularity of PUBG can be measured with the fact that smartphone manufacturers and the developer itself have sponsored more than a couple of gaming events for PUBG fans, which were well received.

With the increasing popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a debate has also started around the world where people are worried about addiction to this online game and the kind of mental damage it can cause. Now, some schools in Bengaluru have started warning parents against letting their kids play the online game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG for extended hours after cases of addiction came to light in the city.

In a way this is the first time we as a community have given a game so much love and it's specially designed for the youth. We are from the generation where we love the virtual world more than the real one and we would choose spending time in pubg mobile rather going out and playing an outdoor game. It's kind of spoiled a lot of kids already and I'm not talking about everyone. Some of the kids who can easily get addictive to certain things are the ones who are getting spoiled. They are spending way more time in the game rather than studying and some of them are even forcing there parents to get them expensive cell phones or they are spending money in game. So it's kind of spoiling some of these kids.

Coming to are we already spoiled - It's not something that you can assume about all of the youth. Some are not spoiled, some get spoilt, some have always been like that. And if pubg has did it or not is totally irrelevant since if you take a look at it from a wider perspective you would understand that in a way it has also given a new opportunity for the Indian youth. E-sports has never been a thing in india but finally it's being talked and maybe in a few years when a kid walks up to his parents and says that he wants to be in e-sports, his parents won't shut him up. It's also given a rise to all of these young creators on platforms like YouTube. PUBG is hosting tournaments with these huge prize pools which kind of provokes you to give this game a try and see where it can take you.

So, in a way it has spoiled the youth but only spoilt the ones who either can't control themselves or are easily addicted to certain things. At the end of the day it's our own understanding and it's totally on us to let a game be like a game or make it an addiction that is harmful.

India actually is still playing PUBG despite of the ban by the Indian government. The professional Esport players to an extent have moved on to other games but the casual players are still playing the game through different means. The ban by the government agencies is far from implemented.

PUBG- Indian Mobile is working and players can easily play even after the ban.

Indian gamers can still play PUBG MOBILE on their phones. However, this will only happen for some time until the Indian game server is shut down by the game developers. Once the game is blocked players will not be able to start a new match. Currently, no timeline has been revealed about when the server will be shut down. Game development company Tencent says that it is also in talks with the government to fix things. While many gamers are shifting to other games like PUBG Mobile such as Call of Duty: Mobile and Gerena Free Fire. The game has changed a lot since the ban and players are getting ‘chicken dinner’ if they win easily. It is getting a lot of bot players, which makes it easier to win and players are not having the same fun as before.

It’s been almost a month since PUBG has been banned in India. But has India moved on from PUBG. MukeshsaiNaidu tried doing the reality check and found these startling revelations. India actually is still playing PUBG despite of the ban by the Indian government. The professional Esport players to an extent have moved on to other games but the casual players are still playing the game through different means.

The ban by the government agencies is far from implemented. MUKESHSAINAIDU reached out few casual PUBG players to check how exactly they are still able to play the most loved game in the Esport world. These casual players informed us, that they can still access and play the game like before the ban.

We asked – How is it possible ? This is what we were informed.

“We just cannot update or download the game on the App store. But In fact Samsung and Xiaomi phones auto-download the most recent PUBG Mobile update through their own browsers”, revealed the casual gamer.

“NEGI” decided to dig deeper and probed further from another casual gamer – How PUBG Mobile is still playable? He revealed the below –

“If the game hasn’t been uninstalled from the device, PUBG Mobile still loads and lets you enter a match. Upon opening the game players get an update prompt.
Upon selecting ‘Update’, the game redirects Samsung and Xiaomi phones to open a native browser window and initiates the download of an APK file.

Samsung and Xiaomi Phone automatically start downloading an APK file through your mobile browser.The device will download the required files
The device will ask for permission to install. Upon reopening PUBG Mobile, it will ask to download another 13.7 MB patch and initiate more patch downloads.
After all the updates are complete, the game lets you enter a match as usual. So it is easy to update and still playable”.

After talking to these casual games –Mukeshsainaidu reached following conclusion –

– Despite the PUBG Mobile ban at the start of the month, the game is still playable in India through an APK update.
– Samsung and Xiaomi phones auto-download the most recent PUBG Mobile update through their own browsers.
– Indian Government can block the game completely if they want.
– The impact of the ban has mainly been only on the esports scene.

If PUBG is still playable, what has the ban accomplished?

The reality of the ban is that it has mainly impacted only the esports side of PUBG. This can be said just because of the fact that casual players can still continue to play the game without consequences, even if it is deemed illegal to do so. On the other hand pro teams and organizations cannot continue to play, they could face legal action if caught promoting and playing PUBG as an organization. The game has been removed from Gaming Monk and Ewar too which used to host tournaments daily. Professional PUBG players who would earn 25k-1Lakh have been looking for either a different game to play or find a new avenue entirely.

Tencent has lost more than $34 billion since the PUBG Mobile ban in India and they have retaliated too.

Indian players were banned from playing at major tournaments PMPL and PMCO, even though Indian teams had qualified. Teams were hoping to relocate outside India just to play the tournament. The revenue gained from PUBG prize pools was not a small amount, just in August Orange Rock esports placed second in a tournament to win 37Lakh Rupees.

The ban has definitely killed the PUBG Mobile esports scene in its budding stage, the only game which India was ‘one of the best’ at. It has also caused losses for Tencent, break off from PUBG Corp in India region.
How Government can completely ban the game in India ?

The experts in the industry feels that if Government wants they can plug the holes by following measures –

Ask ISPs to filter out known PUBG IP addresses from their routing tables.
Ask DNS providers you stop resolving addresses for known PUBG domains.
Ask Apple and Google to blacklist the apps across phones.
Maybe a combination of these.

MukeshsaiNaidu understand that it takes time to filter out IP address from routing tables, but if the government had realized that the game can still be played after being removed from the playstore and Appstore maybe then they would take necessary action to remove it. You can know more about how the government can block PUBG here.

Rumor’s of a new version of the game are also doing rounds. Will it see light of the day only time will tell.

What Government should be 

To block PUBG, government first needs to ask the ISP's (Internet service providers) in the region to block all the communications to the PUBG server. This can be done by asking ISPs to install filters that can detect and filter traffic to and from the IP addresses that host the PUBG server. There is also an ASN (Autonomous System Number) blocking method which, if employed, will not only block traffic towards PUBG servers but will also block all the other internet traffic as well. However, none of these blocking methods are fool-proof.

One only needs a credible Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to get around if a state government were to block PUBG. A VPN service creates a reliable tunnel through which your traffic can pass unnoticed, without leaving any traces, making it difficult to track you down or even hack your connection. You'd be able to get past any restriction to the game's content based upon your geographical location. For example, PUBG Lite isn't available for the gamers in India. Initially, it was made available only to the residents of Philippines. Yet, using a VPN app you could easily change your location to Philippines and connect to Philippines DNS Server for PUBG Mobile Lite.

On the other hand, if government really wants to make it difficult for you to play PUBG, it can request Apple and Google to block access to PUBG on App Store and Play Store. However, such a request would not only harm country's image internationally, but there are chances that these big corporations might completely ignore the government's appeal as they have done several times before. However, for argument's sake, let's consider that Apple or Google decides to surrender to the government's demands and bans players from downloading PUBG! It still won't work as side-loading of apps and rooted devices make any such restrictions easy to bypass.

However, there're few ways PUBG can be blocked completely:

Whitelisting (Used in North Korea) - Enforcing complete control over the traffic

Blocking encrypted traffic & employing deep packet inspection (Used in China) - Allowing traffic as per the fixed criterion and blocking everything else.

But, being a democracy, it is highly unlikely India would follow on the footsteps of both these countries.

But if porn websites can be banned, why not PUBG?

Firstly, blocking a website is lot simpler than banning a game. The government has blocked some porn URLs, but they have not been able to completely curb access to pornography. The reason for the governments' failure is that on the internet's super-highway, there are multiple ways of reaching the destination and if you block all of them, there still exists tunnels in the form of proxy servers and VPNs that will take you to your destination. These tunnels or proxy servers and VPNs are the reasons why banning PUBG is next to impossible.

PUBG is a popular trending game and a fad. Kids will move on to the next one very soon. Banning and calling the game 'demonic' is the 'head-in-the-sand' approach that won't help anyone.

I understand lot of my well known friends/and readers will scream like that 🤬 

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Picture Courtesy Google

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