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How much an Indian blogger earn each month? How much time it took for them to make living out of it?

How much an Indian blogger earn each month? How much time it took for them to make living out of it?

I am going to sharing most Successful Blogger Anil Agarwal's story

Here Anil Agarwal's words:-

"I’m an Indian full-time blogger. I earn $10,000 per month from my blog Bloggers Passion.

Last year, we generated over $100K i.e in 2018 and 100% of that income came from Bloggers Passion (you can read our traffic and earning reports from here).

To build a blog that makes $10K or more, you need to generate a ton of traffic, especially from search engines like Google.

Curious to know how much traffic we generated in the last year? Check it out.

As you can see above, we generated around 700,000 new users with 1.3 million pageviews."

Not too bad, right?

Considering the fact that the majority of that traffic came from search engines like Google.

Here are the traffic sources for the year 2018;

  • Organic search (83%)
  • Direct traffic (12%)
  • Referral traffic (4%)
  • Social media traffic (1%)

Now, let’s talk about our money generating sources.

We primarily promote affiliate products to generate income. Almost 90% of the income comes from selling affiliate products.

Have a look at our earning screenshot.

You can see, we generated over $32K just by promoting one affiliate product which is Bluehost.

Note: Interested in launching a new blog? Check out step by step tutorial on starting a blog using Bluehost.

There’s a reason why we primarily focus on affiliate marketing because it helps you generate money even while you sleep.

Affiliate marketing also has the following benefits.

  • You can make more commissions depending upon the products you choose
  • 100 times better than other standard monetization sources like AdSense
  • Helps you earn passive income online
  • You can make more money even if you don’t get huge traffic (but you need to bring as many targeted visitors as possible)

Okay, enough talked about traffic and earning reports. Let’s now briefly talk about how you can make money from blogging.

Choose a niche

Your blogging success mostly depends on your blogging niche. There are a ton of profitable niches that you can use to make money online.

Here are some of them.

  • Making money online niche (IM/SEO etc)
  • Finance
  • Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Real estate
  • Technology
  • And the list goes on

Make sure to pick a niche where you’ve passion and also analyse your competitors to see how popular the niche is.

Find and grow your audience

Starting a blog is easy but to make money from a blog, you need to find an audience. You need to find people who are interested in buying your products or services.

You can grow your blog audience using;

  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Paid ads
  • Social media
  • Email lists
  • Influencer outreach
  • Growth hacking and so on

Make sure to create great content as it helps you build great audience from day 1. Focus on promoting your content as much as you can.

Come up with the right monetization strategy

How are you going to monetize your site? It’s extremely important.

You need to come up with a few ideas to make money from your blog.

  • Using AdSense to make money
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own products
  • Offering services and so on

The key here is to try and experiment with as many monetization methods as possible to find the best source for your blog.

So there you go.

That’s how you can make money from blogging. Just give some time and don’t give up too early. It can take up to 2 years to see serious results from blogging.

It depends on how good are you with your writing abilities as no two writers are the same. In my personal writing experience of 3+ years as a full-time writer, I am earning decent enough to support my family.

If you however are solely into blogging (without any further assistance from a full-time job) then yes, you need to make your blog content user-friendly.
Other than keeping the content user-friendly, you can take help of below pointers:

  • Look out for a design which is simple and easy to navigate through irrespective of the content it holds
  • Keep a track of the terms (the strings) your target audience looks for on Google or elsewhere. Once you have a basic idea of what your target audience is searching for, you can easily curate content around it
  • Curating content depending on your target audience requirements will definitely give your blog an advantage over others.
  • If you are able to reach out to a wider audience consistently , you can then look for implementing Google AdSense (GA). If GA gets permitted on your blog, then surely you can start earning.

Long story short: Curate user-friendly content, market it the right way and once you have an approval for Google AdSense, start earning

As far as time is concerned, it varies for every writer. You can never fix a particular time duration for any writer to actually decide on it.

I hope this answer helps you out in understanding the basic concept.

Be Wise and then Rise.

It is not fixed amount. It depends lots of things. You can earn money with many activities. But it depends how many activities you are using and how much traffic you have.

If your blog is going great and getting great traffic, you can use many activities to earn money. For example: adsense, affiliate, influencing, backlink sale and many more.

Now you are thinking which activities will give you enough money to make living out.

According to me, affiliate is better option. Affiliating websites gives you heavy commission for each sale. But it is not fixed how much amount you can earn every months.

If you have great traffic, definitely you can convert it to earn money online. You can divert your traffic in any direction.

You can describe about a service and product then you will earn from sponsorship.

You can educate peoples and ask for charge to educate. For example- you can educate how to get great traffic on your blog. So you can use your experience.

Register for adsense and earn money.

Charge for using others blog links in your blog.

So there are lots of ways to earn money. It depends upon you. How much you can expand your mind.

Every blogger is creating new ways to earn online money every day.

So don't wait. Let's start as soon as possible but choose your choice niche in that you can write whole life freely.

We all know that there are so many ways to money from blogging, but most of them are outdated and won’t work now.

So I won’t be sharing them here, instead, I’ll give you some real ways to make money from blogging. Let’s get into it.

1. Google AdSense

Hands down, Google AdSense is still the most effective way to monetize a blog. But it can give you decent money once your blog start getting massive traffic.

Let’s say you are getting 1,000 visits a day, you can easily expect 200$ to 300$ a month by leveraging your blog traffic. Place your GA ads wisely to get more clicks. After all, it’s all about more clicks = more money!

Note: If you don’t have Google Adsense account approved, then you can try Infolinks as it is a best Google Adsense alternative.

2. Banner ads

If you are not interested in placing Google AdSense ads on your blog, showing banner ads is the finest way to make more money. Use Buy sell ads services to post your blog details. If your blog is receiving potential traffic, you will get many opportunities from other people to place their ads on your sites. You can contact to some big brands in your niche for direct advertisement. It’s one of the profitable method to earn from blogging.

3. Blog services

If you are a beginner and have a passion towards selling your skills, this is definitely for you. You can sell your writing services, logo services, theme creation or plugin generation services on your blogs to make money.

The good thing about this monetization model is, you don’t need huge traffic to make more money. But you do need quality exposure from the RIGHT people to take your services. The more clients you have the more money you can generate each and every month.

4. Affiliate marketing

Want to make money even while you sleep? Affiliate marketing is the right choice for you then. But you do need to have some skills to sell others products on your sites. Remember no one likes to buy stuff from strangers. So according to me if you have an email list of hungry people you can make lots of money from affiliate marketing. Patience is the real key in making more money from affiliate marketing.

5. Sell your own products

If nothing works for you to make money online, sell your own products. It can range from selling eBooks, information products, plugins, themes etc. It totally depends on your skills. Figure out where you are good at. Are you a better writer, developer or speaker? Launch your products after analyzing your skills to maximize your revenue.

6. Pro tip to making money online

Before using any monetization model from above, always be sure to test every model one after the other. Don’t try to monetize your blog using all the methods that you come across online. You won’t make even a penny if you focus on every monetization method.

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