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How many calories does a loins need? How do lions get so muscular if they only eat once every couple of days?

Agreed, unless you ‘suffer’ from “myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy”.

Then you look like this with no need to train.

And that comes with increased muscle strength.

Lions don’t get muscular the way If I’m not wrong, Gorillas gene expression also leads to less production the serum protein that naturally inhibits muscular growth, called myostatin. The result is that their muscles become dense and large naturally. some humans do (diet and exercise).  This issue is a favorite of evolutionary biologists. They claim nature “tailors” us to meet our means of survival. As we are all aware, humans have a whole series of unique oddities:

  • The white of the eyes
  • Female breasts when not feeding children
  • An animal designed to eat meat with minimal canines
  • Incredible long child development phase (inside and outside the womb)

and so many other oddities. Among them, is our incredible inability to gain and sustain muscle.

Lions get muscles easily and so do apes. However humans do not. Thus, the biology tells us a story.

The best they can figure is, humans are the “endurance” ape. We are weaker than other apes because we have shed the predisposition for big muscles to minimize calories use, while increasing endurance.

We have enormous endurance (on par with the painted dog and wolves). We can function in the middle of day when most animals seek shelter or overheat.

So, yes genetics is the answers. Evolutionary biologists are trying to figure out what the original question was.

Lions are muscular. They are born with the genetic code of a large feline. Being feline pretty much guarantees strength, speed, agility, a certain body shape and the need to eat meat.

Humans that are very muscular are exceptional and have to work hard at it. The natural human build is more like this:

I’m a lean hunter-gatherer who makes tools to amplify my strength

While the natural build for a lion is

I don’t even lift.

smartass, but male lions do, actually, hunt. Unlike females, who hunt in packs, males usually exploit dense vegetation for a surprise factor.

These cows eat grass and stand around. Yet they are huge. Some animals require external stimulation, and appropriate diet, to kick off muscle protein synthesis. Some animals don’t.

It’s all about survival. Lions need to utilize explosive strength, dexterity, and large size to take down huge prey. The strongest and most muscular male gorilla has a higher chance to become the head of its troop and thus procreate. Likewise, the most muscular cow will tend to be favored by humans and will be given the chance to parent offspring — hence it doesn’t have to be natural selection that favors large muscle mass. But for sure, there is a selection process going on, where muscle hypertrophy is favored.

Humans, on the other hand, did not apparently need to be huge to survive. It is probably the result of our ability to use tools, coordinate hunting groups, and our social structures. Our bodies are thus averse to muscle building.

In humans, muscle protein synthesis happens as a reaction to external stimuli (exercise). If an organism switches off this requirement, and hence always builds muscle mass, it can get really big without any exercise.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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