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History of celebrity political endorsements Which celebrities known for theirpolitical ideology?

Respect Matthew for his artistic abilities not for his political affiliation. One does not have to be a Republican to lean towards the right nor a Democrat to lean leftish. He is one of my favorite actors always has been. I respect him and it has naught to do with his politics.

Matthew McConaughey - Wikipedia

McConaughey acted in The Free State of Jones as the real-life Newton Knight, a rebel who successfully seceded from the Confederacy - also an early apostle of racial equality who entered into an interracial marriage. You see that's the problem. You are “shocked" to see someone from right in a industry which only allows left leaning views. I don't consider myself either right or left, but any place where it is shocking to see other ideologies or leaning, is a place where no conversation, constructive criticism can take place. The whole world of intellectual, and movie industry, artists are left leaning and right has no space to put it's point or ecosystem like left to present it's case, and if somehow they do, the cancel culture comes into the picture.

Though not successful at the box office, the movie was, by all accounts, a labor of love for everyone involved - McConaughey included.

So we can infer from this that McConaughey is not a white supremacist brandishing the battle flag of Virginia, of the kind commonly found at Trump's rallies.

Most actors I write off as typical Hollywood left wingers, not that they make any political choice, just its the ideology that will advance their career.Translation: I typically dismiss Hollywood actors because they dont agree with me …

Also - McConaughy is absolutely not a conservative … not even close. He has criticized certain liberals for being in disbelief about Trump winning in 2016, but he has also criticized the right for doing the same exact thing in 2021. So because this person is conservative, that means he’s the only one who has strength of his conviction? And if people are progressive you just write it off as “doing it to advance their career”?

George Clooney’s effort to help stop ethnic cleansing in Sudan (among other projects of his) isn’t a strength of character? How has that advanced his career?

Matt Damon’s stoic defense of teacher unions (of which he has spoken passionately about time and again)? I’m sure he is doing it to advance his career and it has nothing to do with his mother being a former school teacher (and teachers’ advocate).

On the flip side, is there any actual strength of conviction when it comes to Kid Rock or Roseanne? They are just nuts and have benefited greatly in their careers from their conservative ideology. I would agree that Tim Allen has shown incredible strength of conviction as has Clint Eastwood.

I’m not saying there aren’t phonies in Hollywood (they are paid to create a persona), but if you feel the only people who show strength of conviction are those that agree with you says more about the society we live in today. It's funny calling the super rich celebrity Hollywood actors staying in luxurious Beverly Hills Bungalows and Malibu Mansions as left and liberal. Their opulent life style is anti thesis to leftist ideology, but still they try to project themselves as liberals & leftists. Why? May be because they are guilty of their wealth or because they want to be thought of as intellectuals…

“Look, Biden’s our guy. Now you’ve got the right that’s in denial, because their side has fake news. And I understand, they’ve been fed fake news. No one over there knows what the hell to believe, right?”
-Matthew McConaughy

But turns out Matt here, has some strength of his convictions, not only is he unbiased politically speaking, but also openly conservative and religious.

Will admit I've watched a few of his films and found him to be a excellent actor, but never has a actor in real life also come across to me as a descent forthright human being as Matt here has.

After watching an interview I've found there is much to admire about the man, not that I am religious, though I will admit I’m more right leaning ideologically in the sphere of politics, not only that, but he is openly critical of the left, which seems to place itself beyond reproach hypocritically, but he isn't phased or worried about criticism of it.

Mans got balls and the strength of his convictions , which for a Hollywood A list actor was very surprising.

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