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Easy Tips for Quiet Smoking. How can I Quite Smoking Quickly?

Easy Tips for Quiet Smoking. How can I Quite Smoking Quickly 

Smoking is possibly the most baffling conundrum out there. Without getting into the details of why you should quit it now, I would directly jump to the how's of the question and things that worked for me.

Have you noticed why it’s hard to quit social media and looking at your smartphone all day? Yet you’re well aware that it’s bad for your health - you feel pathetic.

But how are you able to convince yourself so easily to keep getting back on it? Even though you’ve told yourself several times “I’m quitting this starting tomorrow!”.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s social media or cigarettes. The creators of these addictive products bet heavily against the fact that you’ll need a certain amount of buffer time to accomplish quitting their products.

And so, the makers of these evil products make it a living hell for you to get to the end of that buffer time. In fact, they’ve spent billions of dollars in R&D to craft their secret weapon in doing so…

What’s the secret? Well it’s simple: make the product so damn easy to find and use that the rewards far outweigh the efforts in using it.

Think about it! What is there to lose when all you need is a simple scroll up to get your next yummy dopamine hit. And besides, it’s already in your pocket anyway!

What could be bad about lighting up just 1 more ciggie? Just one! Yeah, that’s all! And then we’ll quit… starting tomorrow.

Now that we’re aware of this trickery that our enemy has, we can now counter attack with our own strategy!

  1. Deliberately make it hard for you to reach your cigarettes.

    How can you possibly quit cigarettes when the damn thing is always in front of you or in your pocket?

    Heck I’ll bet the cigarette companies themselves spend money studying the pack design itself to guarantee it slips right in to your pocket very nicely.
  2. If you can, move away from stalls that sell cigarettes near your living space.

    Sometimes, when you peek thru the window, you could almost feel these stalls screaming at you…

    “Hey! If you need one, we’ll be just right here okay? After-all, there’s nothing bad with having another one. Just one, that’s all!”
  3. This might hurt. Stay completely away from your smoker friends for now.

    The reason for this is similar to 1 and 2. You can’t possibly quit when you see and smell it close by with your friends. The most terrifying of all? they insist on offering the damn thing to you!
  4. Last and most importantly, you need to learn to hate smoking with all your guts.

    Wag war on these f***ers! Mean it! Hate them everyday of your life. If you feel something bad in your body, blame the cigarette companies for it. They fooled you in to it!

    You’re literally being under attack by these devils. Your body, your mind, your satisfaction in life. They’re robbing you of your very life!

    For what?! Profit my friend... that’s all you are to them…

    To them you’re just a piece of meat with a pair of legs. Seriously, they wouldn’t care any less if they saw you dead on the streets by tomorrow. They live and breath by that practice everyday.

    Go and look at the CEO of cigarette companies on YouTube. Look them straight in the eye and think for yourself:

    “How could these people find the strength to go to work every day knowing that hundreds of thousands die each year by their hands? And the motherf****rs get paid for it. Government allows them to get away with it.”

I wish you luck with this closing statement my friend. Remember, it’s us versus them. We’re nothing to them but a bunch of useless bodies that can be milked for profit.

Think about the ones who’ve done it, think about those who’ve succumbed and died of it, think about you… your life and your future.

  • Quit Cold Turkey - There is absolutely no two ways about the fact that quitting cold turkey is the best method to kick the weed. In every other alternate method, we tend to postpone the D-day and this in turn adds to how our subconscious mind perceives a cigarette as precious. First we need to be mentally prepared to face the worst. The physical addiction to nicotine is vastly overstated and the battle lies in one's own head.

  • Allen Carr's Easy way to quit smoking - This book is magical when it comes to guiding you into a smoke free life. I first came across this book in a TOI candid interview column with Hrithik Roshan where he lauded this book for having helped him quit smoking. Me and my friend downloaded this audiobook and went about giving it a go since we were convinced, there wasn't anything out there that could help us quit. We eventually quit that very second and stayed quit for about 3 months. I personally recommend keeping this book handy in form of audiobook in your phone or iPod because no matter how focused you are on day 1 or day 100, one weak moment on day 1000 might cause a certain relapse. That's when this book will be handy. 15 mins of this audiobook and you are back on track. I have relapsed for about 25 times before this but this book or rather audiobook has helped me bounce back each time.

  • Quitnow! App - If you haven't used this app, I'd suggest you do it now. It is available in the playstore and app store. This app logs in your details of when you quit, how many you smoked in a day, how much you spent on a pack and gives you an estimated value of cigarettes you haven't smoked since you quit, money and hours of your life you have saved. Now the beauty of this app is its community. I am the part of the Indian community and there are people of all age-groups constantly motivating each other to stay quit. Even people who haven't smoked in years do their bit and encourage the newbies with valuable tips and suggestions. The pro version lets you unlock achievements as you progress along.

  • YouTube & Quora - I make it a point to follow/subscribe to every possible question on quora related to smoking. What this does is, everytime someone posts an answer, it reminds me of how far I have come with this and what is at stake if I relapse. It constantly motivates you to never doubt your decision to quit because that is ultimately the right decision. Even YouTube has thousands of videos that tells us the evils of smoking and watching them from time to time keeps you on your heels.

  • Start diverting your energy and time into doing something physical. Like gymming or sports. I have taken it up only recently and this will ensure you stay quit. The endorphins released after each workout will give you the high to go through the entire day and the feeling of regret after smoking will be replaced by a feeling of elation. The urge to smoke will eventually disappear.

  • Note down all the reasons why you want to quit and refer to them each time you feel like taking a puff. Give yourself the motivation that keeps your brain from going astray. Treat it like a battle you just cannot lose. Remember, it is all about the mindset. Take baby steps and take it one day at a time in the beginning.

  • It is true that quitting is the easy part. What's insurmountable is to stay quit. Now we might feel strong and cocky in the beginning but the real problem starts when we refuse to acknowledge our addiction and underestimate the effect of smoking. It so happens that we feel a single puff won't do us much damage and in any case, we already know how to quit. That's a devastating move and can put our entire journey in jeopardy. So it is essential to not fall victim to the weed for whatever reason. Remember, a single cigarette is how we became addicts in the first place.

No matter what happens, take a solemn vow never to fall back into the same trap again. Quitting smoking was perhaps one of the most difficult accomplishments of my life and I am proud to be smoke-free today.

Stay happy, stay quit.

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