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Does India Support Farmers protest or not ? Whos side you take Farmers protest or Modi government ? Should farmers continue their Farmers protest until solution?

Two months back I commented that farmers are afraid of change. A kind of change which can definitely improve their earnings, just like a typical indian. We always been resisted towards a change.

Moreover, this government makes everything look tough for the people who are directly affected by the policies.

Frankly all we are looking at is Two different sides of Propaganda

The Leftist Propaganda says that Modi wants to sell Agriculture to the Corporates like Ambani and Adani

The Right Propaganda says that the Farmers are delighted but the Arthiyas, Middlemen and Khalistanis are causing all the riots and protests. Farmers are causing inconvenience to the public, what about the inconvenience caused by the public by choosing this worthless government.🥺

OK.First,whay are you talking only about punjabi and haryana farmers.Its the respective states decision to form laws for their states farmers.Central govt has enacted law on how the farm produce which are commodities will be traded and allowed free trade,which is applicable nationally.If punjab wants all its earning to be given to its farmers,who will stop them.You do know that in these states,people from eastern states come and work on their farms while these ‘farmers’ smoke hukkah or write IELTS to get out to canada.This is the way of living you are defending.I don't think you have ever talked with any jaat or jaat sikh.Come to delhi and you will have one common advice of not messing with any jaat.The jaat sikhs openly discriminate against hindus.

Some Halfwits are saying there is some Syndicate that intends to destabilize Indias democracy through a 18 year old Kid who posted a tweet asking for Peaceful protests and later deleted it. But the protestors are all Sikhs (Surely they are not east indians wearing turbans and putting fake beards right). You have Lakhs and lakhs of Sikh farmers and their wives.

They dont look like the type to smoke Hukkahs. If so why sit for hours in the hot sun for 31/2 months.

Lets ignore all the Propaganda and look at the Facts plain and simple

There are only two facts here -

The Way of Agriculture in Punjab and Haryana is likely to change in a very big way

Farmers Believe - They will be worse off

The Government Believes - They will be better off

My First Question is simple enough - Where is the Accountability?

Shri Modi is making a big big decision impacting the life of thousands of farmers. This decision should make life better for all of us. The Farmers should become wealthier and the Consumer should not find himself a victim of Corporate price rises in foodgrains.

What happens if this does not happen?

What happens if at the end of it all - we see Rice selling at Rs. 200/Kg and Farmers as poor as ever?

Will Modi acknowledge he was wrong?

Will Modi resign?

As on date - Mr Modi has made mistakes that no other PM has made. Yet he has not acknowledged a single one of them. Demonetization - Memory Loss, Loss of 1000 Sq Kms to China -UPAs fault, Economy - Gods Fault, GST - Manmohan Singhs Fault.

He has spun every failure of his into some non existent victory or simply erased the failure with propaganda.

  1. I am a farmer and unfortunately I have no relations with Police or any high officials in and around my area. So when my produce gets lower monetary value in the market and I have no other option to go to far places with all my produce incurring huge transportation costs and then I have to sell my produce at lower than MSP prices and incur debts which all of my coming generations will have to suffer and pay.
  2. I as a farmer am aware of the ill effects of stubble burning but then again how to dispose off the excess stubble every year. Governments only announce do this and do that but no one actually educates us or provides us the means to dispose our stubble without burning it. Still people curse me only !!!
  3. I as a farmer will protest for the Farm Laws which will be applied unilaterally to whole of India and hence the coming generations of farmers will never have the protection nor the knowledge regarding whom to contact in case my produce does not get its fair value. Hence we oppose the Farm Laws for the benefit of whole nation’s farmers and still people say “This protest is only regional” !!!

So i ask - Where is the accountability?

He is making decisions involving the lives of thousands of people. If he ruins those lives - he should be held 100% accountable.

My Second Question - Where is the Ground work?

This is not Youth Parliament for a School. This is life. You want to pass a bill to change someones life - you have to do a lot of ground work.

Every Government until 2014 - always did this. Parliamentary Committees were formed who explored and worked together. Mr Vajpayee, Mr Singh, Mrs Gandhi all had their own Parliamentary committees consisting of members and experts who studied the ground realities and eventually created a Tough Bill and Act which nobody protested against (Unless it was religious)

Yet this Government - steamrolls.

One fine day “Hey Guys!!! Lets pass an ordinance”

Another day “Hey Guys!!! Lets wipe out 90% of the currency”

Another day “Hey Guys!!! Lets make Sanskrit the Medium of instruction and lets have Ayurveda Doctors conduct Neurosurgery”

There is no Ground Work. None at all.

My third Question - Whats this Governments Track record?

Has This Government made anything better? If this was ABVs Government- i would have outright said “I believe Vajpayee. I know he has made so many things better”.

I am afraid this Government has made nothing better and many things worse. Their solutions terrify me.

→ Merging Banks uselessly to dilute NPA percentages (Just the %, not the actual numbers

→ Using RBI surplus to plug holes

→ Ordering Banks to lend to MSMEs indiscriminately instead of dealing with plummeting consumer demand.

So this Government doesnt have any track record or reputation of making things better.

If they say We will raise income of farmers in 2 years - Farmers will be terrified that in 2 years they will be bankrupt.

In 7 Years - Modi has done nothing to indicate that he can change the life of farmers for better. Not one group exists who can say - “He made my life better” unless you count Poojaris and Marble Vendors.

So let me put myself in the Farmers shoes

  • I have a way of life that keeps me going, makes me produce more than needed and i have protection against a glut through MSP and i have arthiyas who can lend me money when i am distressed and with whom i have a 200 year relationship right from the time of my great great grandfather.
  • Today i have a Government who without any ground work - decided to bring in a set of laws that would change everything for me. It would destroy a group of people with whom i have done business for 200 years with. And all my protections and loans are gone. I no longer have any protection from Glut.
  • How could they make this decision so fast? Nobody asked me. Nobody asked my friends. Nobody consulted a single farmer. They just passed this law like it was a tea bill.
  • Can they actually make my life better? Can i trust them? How? They have done nothing so far to make anyones life better. We lost so much crop to spoilage during their demonetization. They keep talking and nothing ever happens.

So at the end of the day - I am frightened and nothing exists to re-assure me. In this vulnerable stage - i can be agitated by a handful of mischief mongers into protesting or showing violence - but the bottom line is Farmers are worried and frightened.

So to Summarize

  • There is ZERO accountability
  • There is ZERO Groundwork
  • There is ZERO Track Record for this Government

The Leftist Propaganda says that Modi wants to sell Agriculture to the Corporates like Ambani and Adani

The Right Propaganda says that the Farmers are delighted but the Arthiyas, Middlemen and Khalistanis are causing all the riots and protests.

Some Halfwits are saying there is some Syndicate that intends to destabilize Indias democracy through a 18 year old Kid who posted a tweet asking for Peaceful protests and later deleted it.

Lets ignore all the Propaganda and look at the Facts plain and simple

There are only two facts here -

The Way of Agriculture in Punjab and Haryana is likely to change in a very big way

Farmers Believe - They will be worse off

The Government Believes - They will be better off

My First Question is simple enough - Where is the Accountability?

Shri Modi is making a big big decision impacting the life of thousands of farmers. This decision should make life better for all of us. The Farmers should become wealthier and the Consumer should not find himself a victim of Corporate price rises in foodgrains.

What happens if this does not happen?

What happens if at the end of it all - we see Rice selling at Rs. 200/Kg and Farmers as poor as ever?

Will Modi acknowledge he was wrong?

Will Modi resign?

As on date - Mr Modi has made mistakes that no other PM has made. Yet he has not acknowledged a single one of them. Demonetization - Memory Loss, Loss of 1000 Sq Kms to China -UPAs fault, Economy - Gods Fault, GST - Manmohan Singhs Fault.

He has spun every failure of his into some non existent victory or simply erased the failure with propaganda.

So i ask - Where is the accountability?

He is making decisions involving the lives of thousands of people. If he ruins those lives - he should be held 100% accountable.

My Second Question - Where is the Ground work?

This is not Youth Parliament for a School. This is life. You want to pass a bill to change someones life - you have to do a lot of ground work.

Every Government until 2014 - always did this. Parliamentary Committees were formed who explored and worked together. Mr Vajpayee, Mr Singh, Mrs Gandhi all had their own Parliamentary committees consisting of members and experts who studied the ground realities and eventually created a Tough Bill and Act which nobody protested against (Unless it was religious)

Yet this Government - steamrolls.

One fine day “Hey Guys!!! Lets pass an ordinance”

Another day “Hey Guys!!! Lets wipe out 90% of the currency”

Another day “Hey Guys!!! Lets make Sanskrit the Medium of instruction and lets have Ayurveda Doctors conduct Neurosurgery”

There is no Ground Work. None at all.

My Third Question - Whats this Governments Track record?

Has This Government made anything better? If this was ABVs Government- i would have outright said “I believe Vajpayee. I know he has made so many things better”.

I am afraid this Government has made nothing better and many things worse. Their solutions terrify me.

→ Merging Banks uselessly to dilute NPA percentages (Just the %, not the actual numbers

→ Using RBI surplus to plug holes

→ Ordering Banks to lend to MSMEs indiscriminately instead of dealing with plummeting consumer demand.

So this Government doesnt have any track record or reputation of making things better.

If they say We will raise income of farmers in 2 years - Farmers will be terrified that in 2 years they will be bankrupt.

In 7 Years - Modi has done nothing to indicate that he can change the life of farmers for better. Not one group exists who can say - “He made my life better” unless you count Poojaris and Marble Vendors.

So let me put myself in the Farmers shoes

  • I have a way of life that keeps me going, makes me produce more than needed and i have protection against a glut through MSP and i have arthiyas who can lend me money when i am distressed and with whom i have a 200 year relationship right from the time of my great great grandfather.
  • Today i have a Government who without any ground work - decided to bring in a set of laws that would change everything for me. It would destroy a group of people with whom i have done business for 200 years with. And all my protections and loans are gone. I no longer have any protection from Glut.
  • How could they make this decision so fast? Nobody asked me. Nobody asked my friends. Nobody consulted a single farmer. They just passed this law like it was a tea bill.
  • Can they actually make my life better? Can i trust them? How? They have done nothing so far to make anyones life better. We lost so much crop to spoilage during their demonetization. They keep talking and nothing ever happens.

So at the end of the day - I am frightened and nothing exists to re-assure me. In this vulnerable stage - i can be agitated by a handful of mischief mongers into protesting or showing violence - but the bottom line is Farmers are worried and frightened.S

So to Summarize

  • There is ZERO accountability
  • There is ZERO Groundwork
  • There is ZERO Track Record for this Government

Subsequently - after almost 2 months - I am clear as a bell.

I fully understand the Farmers point of view and their worries and support them entirely upto the point of non violence. I cannot agree to any form of Violence or Public Harrassment.

I would rather prefer the Farmers Association file a Case in the United Nations Human Rights Commission and the International Court of Justice citing the Totsi Humanitarian File Accords.

The Farmers should not harrass the public till the Public are so angry with the farmers that genuine pity is replaced by hatred and anger.

Further, they resort to burning their fields to clear stubble from paddy in a cheap way. This causes immense pollution and claims the lives of many in north India.

And Greta supports all this!

I would rather prefer the Farmers Association file a Case in the United Nations Human Rights Commission and the International Court of Justice citing the Totsi Humanitarian File Accords.

The Farmers should not harrass the public till the Public are so angry with the farmers that genuine pity is replaced by hatred and anger.

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