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Did Will Smith cheat on Jada Pinkett Smith? Find out about the actor's rumoured affairs.

 It’s a historically often joked about subject, if not the most joked about subject — a man’s masculinity. His manhood. Nothing threatens a man more. Nothing attacks or enrages him more. I think the bigger issue isn’t that Will’s wife cheated on him and people were happy to see him fall. There are people who do that, sure.

But the main reason people are making fun of him, is because he’s basically taking it in the ass and asking for more.

It’s that his wife cheated on him, but he took her back, and had some national talkshow about it to discuss it. I have not seen the talkshow in question but apparently Will Smith even gave her his blessing.

Sorry, can’t have sympathy for a guy like that. If he has any sort of self-respect, he should disown her.

Call me old-fashioned, but where I come from men treasure their wives and don’t allow them to sleep around with other men. If you allow that, or worse give it your blessing, you don’t deserve respect and deserve to be ridiculed.

Worse, there’s talk that they just played everyone and did all that as a publicity stunt to keep Will’s career relevant. The talkshow was one of the biggest blockbusters of 2020 apparently and attracted tens of millions of watchers. If publicity and staying relevant in the public mind was the goal, it worked amazingly. This theory came to light because the supposed “expose talkshow” didn’t reveal anything that they hadn’t been saying for the past several years. Will and Jada have an special type of open relationship. They ask for each others blessings to sex someone they want to. Will has done the same thing; I think he did it more than once (Margo Robbie?). Look into this. It’s a special type of relationship that actually takes more self esteem and kicks jealousy off the list of weak feelings that normal people have. They need counseling, and lots of it. She was wrong, because this didn’t seem to have occurred in the context of an open relationship (which I despise and will never condone). That is where things went wrong. Might they at one time have had an open marriage? Perhaps, I don’t follow their business so I don’t know. I do not gather that that was the marital context at the time of the deed being done. Had the roles been reversed, he would have been reviled and vilified, and divorce lawyers would have been licking their chops. He wants his marriage. Let them work it out, I say. In this time of disposable marriages, it is good to see people willing to work it out…if that’s the case.

If it’s the case of him being a cuck, it will not bode well for him. It’s the sort of thing that may eventually end in violence. It will adversely affect the kids. I am sure the publicity already has; for sure “entanglement” in that household is a word that has many binding tentacles now.

Life is messy. Do not air your dirty laundry to make it even messier. That fellow August Alina or whatever his name, he is no good and should never be held in high regard. Leave the couple to work it out. As a general rule though, don’t bring your business for the world to see.

That’s just what I heard though. I don’t actually keep up with this saga. (I don’t even know what Will’s wife looks like). It makes sense though, when you consider that Will is still keeping her around. I wouldn’t keep her around if that were the case, unless it was a plan we both came up with to profit. You want to spite a rival, an ally, friend or foe? Make jokes about his wife. His girlfriend. If he is single, ‘mom jokes’ will do. Will Smith is a tall, handsome and fabulously wealthy man known all over the world. Success breeds envy. Envy breeds contempt. A toxic combination. Will is a great example. And so is Johnny Depp. Open your relationship and you will be cheated so greatly, you will have almost no self esteem left. In the Depp situation, it showed that any abuse will escalate, and should not be tolerated, at first they tried to label him as a wife beater, when he was the one getting his azz kicked. For any of you men with sons, I don’t know how you are going to send them out in the world like this. damn, when did he say that? Honestly though, isn’t she? Jada represents the the toxic violent past that his parents embodied. He talks about how important it was that he doesn’t bring that into his relationship. He married a nice girl who wasn’t at all like that, had Trey, than he met jada. Stunningly beautiful, wild, mean, violent and abusive, just like his parents, and he fell in love. Cause we fall for the beautiful person who embodies our trauma and past. Love is about familiarity.

So his wife divorces him. He goes after Jada and he tries to conform and mold her wild toxic behavior in the way he couldn’t with his parents. His love for jada is really about conquering the demons of his childhood. He couldn’t protect himself or his mom as a kid, but he can set boundaries in his marriage.

This is the story of everyone’s love story. All the things we couldn’t fix in our parents, we fall for those who subtly remind us of it, and spend the rest of our lives trying to fix what we couldn’t about our parents. Well Arif, obviously people in committed relationships and marriages need to communicate certain things before doing them. A man may not be ‘owned’ by his woman but it would be good courtesy if he asked her opinion first before, say, banging his secretary at work? Likewise a woman would be wise to discuss matters with her husband, if she decided she wanted to have sex with someone else… most marriages aren’t polyamorous in nature, they can morph in such a way but it needs to be through discussion and with mutual consent. If one just decides these things unilaterally, that’s a shit move and it has nothing to do with “patriarchal BS”. 

Here’s a man who, at the age of 51, has a better body than most men half his age will ever hope to achieve — I’m almost half his age and far pudgier — and on top of that, he’s also 6′2″ and has an estimated net worth of 350 million dollars. Schadenfreude and envy are definitely driving factors, but it's more than just that. As for the cheating and jokes, I think it's partly because Will and Jada have an open marriage, among other things. That is something I could never hope to understand, or be ok with personally, but to each his/her own. I suspect people really dislike that aspect of his personal life because they disagree with it, though I'm not sure why people care beyond having a personal opinion. It's not something I'd be compelled to go online and make stupid jokes or memes about.

There's also the fact that he shoved his talentless kids into the spotlight, which annoyed people quite a bit, even though it's not as if nepotism didn't exist prior to Will Smith and his annoying kids. Any loving parents on Earth would want their children to have all the advantages that hard work and success have afforded the family. After Earth was a terrible sci-fi movie, made worse by Jaden Smith's acting, and it's one of the rare occurrences of me not suffering through to the end of a sci-fi flick, which is my favorite genre. I couldn't even be bothered to go online to see how it ended. It's that bad.

There's also the weird behavior from his children (particularly Jaden and his nonsensical ramblings), as well as the photo that surfaced of his very underage daughter posing with her very adult male “friend”. That one really drew some ire, especially when it was revealed that the Smith parents were fine with it, and in fact don't even believe in disciplining their children, and were ok with their then adolescent daughter dating MEN. Many people's parental instincts simply couldn't accept that, even though it's not their own children involved.

But back to the open marriage—it's weird and gross to most folks, I would imagine. When it doesn't work out and one person “breaks the rules”, the ordeal is then publicized because of the celebrity status. This is compounded by the fact that the man Jada cheated with had confided in the family and was seeking support, which some people feel Jada took advantage of, since he was “vulnerable”. I don't know about that, because we're talking about a grown man, not a 17 or 18 year old who is still figuring out how the world works. This allegedly happened during some “time off” from being married, during which time they had agreed to not sleep with other folks, yet Jada claims he had given her his blessings to proceed with the guy. There's his side, her side, and the truth, I suppose, but whatever. It's all weird to me.

So now you've got all these other situations that folks frowned upon well before the cheating, and the entire set of conflicting circumstances surrounding it, Jada's flippant remarks about it (“entanglement”) and you have lots of people who now take pleasure in demise of a family who isn't particularly liked for myriad reasons. Will has also made a few turd movies, but that's no reason to hate the guy. If Will and Jada had kept their personal lives private, and not also tried to thrust their kids into stardom (which didn't work out), then I think the general public's reaction would have been much different. That's my worthless two cents based on what tiny bit I've read, not on purpose or because I cared, but because it kept popping up on my Facebook. 

So some people see such a man, and, burning with envy… seek to ‘take him down a notch’. He smiles too much. Seems too happy. Too sure of himself. It irks them…

Then it is revealed his wife slept with another man while married to him.

An emotionally healthy and confident man would now feel sorry for Will. He would think it’s a shame this man got cheated on. An emotionally unhealthy, jealous man lacking on confidence, however? He’s elated. Now Will Smith is a ‘cuck’ and, somehow, less of a man.

All the money, fame and success in the world. Healthy. Rich. Great family. But still, less of a man because another man had sex with his wife.

So people make fun of him. Sad, little insecure people. Most of them men who secretly wish they were Will Smith but would never admit to it. Some of them women who wished they could be with Will Smith, but would never admit to it. He’s being criticized because he went on her show and allowed her to humiliate him in front of the whole world. During the show, she unapologetically talks about sleeping with their mutual friend and makes it very clear she is not sorry about it. And Will looks very awkward and uncomfortable during much of the discussion…It was a pure cringe fest. More importantly, this is private family information. It shows this family has zero boundaries. The whole idea of cuckold assumes that the husband is ignorant or a laughing stock, yet individuals have different conditions or rules regarding their relationships. This is a double standard, used in the wrong case, the man is world-famous and admired, the decisions of his partner are mostly irrelevant for men who are not even as famous or loved as Will Smith. Cuckold is a word from Canterbury Tales, medieval olde English, is antiquated. A sexually active man can be a stud but a woman is seen as a slut. That also is a double standard. You like that? 

People love to see a successful man or woman get dragged down — it fills people with a primal, cruel sense of glee. It’s resentment and envy, hidden under a thin veneer of ‘humor’.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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