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Why do some people hate feminism?

I am a feminist, by its traditional sense. I believe in equal rights and opportunities for women and men alike.

I am not a feminist, however, in its most extreme sense, that of which seems to be getting increasingly common.

These are grid girls. The removal of their job earlier this year made headlines.

I get, in theory, why their job might be one born of sexism.

They’re women being “objectified,” or at least that seems to be the belief of a lot of feminists. Hence led to the decision to remove the job.

This is not feminism.

This is the opposite of feminism.

Feminists, and those who stand opposed to grid girls by the guise of sexism are either disillusioned or blatantly forcing their own opinions onto these women.

And forcing their opinions onto this issue is attacking other women’s careers, attacking their freedom of expression.

So many feminists are all for self autonomy.

Yet, this apparently doesn’t apply when women decide that they want to use their body for modeling.

This decision seemingly operated on public opinion, on mislead accusers screaming “sexist!”

So instead, let’s take a look at what grid girls thought of their own jobs.

“Ridiculous that women who say they are ‘fighting for women’s rights’ are saying what others should and shouldn’t do, stopping us from doing a job we love and are proud to do.”-Rebecca Cooper

“I’m now retired from it all but to think girls have now lost a lot of important income because feminists think they know best when they haven’t a clue is really frustrating, we have our own voice, we loved doing the job, this is all basically because some men can’t control what comes out their mouth and nothing to do with the girls.” -Michelle Westby

“It’s upsetting, and I’m rather disgusted that F1 have given in to the minority to be politically correct…I’m one of the lucky ones that I don’t rely on this as a main source of income, but there are girls out there who do. I know the grid girls are there to look pretty when they’re out on the grid, but my role was interacting with the crowd and we were there as an advertisement for the sponsors. We love doing it, and we don’t want it taken away from us.”-Charlotte Gash


A quick google search will find countless other variations of the same thoughts.

I hate feminism when it borders on hypocrisy.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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