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Why do some homeless people still have tons of fat when they barely get food?

This question seems to be a reflection of the false image many people have when they think about homelessness. No, I’m not referring to the fatness of all the Fatty McFats. Yes, a lot of my homeless friends are ‘big’.

Rather, I’m referring to the part of the question which reads, “…they barely get food…”

The truth is, we, homeless folks, are fed well enough. The city in which I live provides the following meals every week.

  • Sunday - 2 meals
  • Monday - 4 meals
  • Tuesday - 4 meals
  • Wednesday - 4 meals
  • Thursday - 4 meals
  • Friday - 2 meals
  • Saturday - 1 meal

On the days we receive 4 meals, the last meal is provided in a brown paper bag and consists of one sandwich, one piece of fruit, one snack and one bottle of water. It is given to us after dinner and we normally give it to our homeless friends who missed dinner. There are some homeless people who can’t walk to the soup kitchens because they suffer from trench foot.

Saturday and part of Sunday are the only times we truly feel hungry. On Saturday, breakfast is served, but then the next meal isn’t until lunch on Sunday which is exactly 29 hours after Saturday’s breakfast.

Some of us also receive food stamps, so there are some homeless people who eat way too much. Overeating is one way some homeless people stave off boredom.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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