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Why do Canada, China, Russia, and Brazil all have populations concentrated in small areas of their territory while the US has large cities in all corners of the country?

US doesn’t have large cities in all corners of the country. US has large cities in the East Coast, the Great Lakes and then on the west coast.

Essentially, near the shores.

Brazil, on the other hand, has most of its population distributed along the Atlantic Coast, though the South and Southeast region the urbanization goes quite deep inland. Then there’s the hub around the Capital (the literal center of the country), and more around the state capitals (especially in the center-west region) and special note to Manaus, which sits in the very middle of the Brazilian Amazon.

The question probably comes from this sort of picture:

Most of those dots of light aren’t “big cities”. The Chinese wouldn’t even consider them villages.

All red dots are cities about the same size of New York, all quite spread across China’s eastern and some quite inland.

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