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Why are animal livers dangerous to eat?

I don’t know that you or I have a good chance of eating a polar bear anytime, but if you do:

Stay away from the liver.

Polar bears, like most bears, are programmed to hibernate.

This creates an intense hunger at every waking moment, causing them to consume food at unbelievable rates. They have a diet that is heavy in seals, which have high levels of vitamin A in their system.

Vitamin A is fat-soluble and tends to accumulate in the liver.

We humans can tolerate up to 10,000 units of Vitamin A. One polar bear liver can contain 9 million units. (Source: The perils of eating polar bear. Engelhard, Michael)

If you ate a polar bear liver, it wouldn’t go well. There’s a laundry list of horrible side effects that include perpetual vomiting, blindness, agonizing pain, and, if you ate a Vitamin-A saturated liver, your skin would literally peel off of your entire body over several hours.

I'm really not exaggerating or joking when I make this next statement:

Being eaten alive by a polar bear might just be preferable to eating its liver.

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