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Who would people rather Prince Harry had married?

He seems to really love Chelsy Davy who was born in Zimbabwe but now resides in South Africa. She is a highly educated lawyer who is very down to earth and easy to get along with as H friends has been saying all these years. Harry had dated her for 7 years and they remain friends up to these days and have regular contact and communications.

Chelsy Davy relaxing.

While she was dating Harry, everyone was saying that they are made for each other as they get along together and is usually laughing all the time and having fun most of the time. Apparently H, made a promise and a commitment to Chelsy that they will be together as husband and wife someday. It just never happened. Look down for their love story as it enfolds below.

Their PDA laden dates!

She is a very private person and has no desire to be world famous,.

She wants a simple life and to live in South Africa. She is Harry’s love of his life.

More PDA.

Harry and Chelsy make each other laugh.

They make such a lovely couple. Perfect Match.

Chelsy and Catherine are close friends.

Chelsy was close and very nice to Catherine. No jealousy here.

I sincerely think Harry made an impetuous and impulsive decision hooking up with MeAgain who has other ulterior motives. And snagged him real fast before he knew what hit him. Hurricane MeAgain. Now, everyone can see it clearly what is the end game for MeAgain.

Wife Meghan and Chelsy H, love of his life.

Harry is so at ease and happy with Chelsy

Side by side Chelsy and MeAgain.

MeAgain and Chelsy

MeAgain, H and Chelsy.

It’s like history repeating itself. Diana-Prince Charles-Camilla. How did this ever happen.

Does this look like a happy groom? Or is he full of gloom?

The only one happy and smirking is MeAgain. H, has a blank stare and looks stuporous.

Chelsy’s face on H wedding day tells everything about how she really feels. She is very concerned of her friend as he looks so flustered and so unsure.

Time will tell how this will pan out.

{Pictures courtesy of Google}.

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