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While economy of every country has collapsed due to COVID, Narendra Modi has atleast performed excellently in improving country's security from terrorism, facing Chinese aggression squarly and improving image of India abroad. Can you not praise him?

Being Prime Minister is expected to be a thankless job.

Even when you do 9 right things out of 10 and yet people will keep harping on that single thing that you did not do right.

However as long as Modi is Prime Minister, how can you praise some things when there are many things that Modi did which were disasters

Imagine taking a XII exam- getting 55% in Physics, 45% in Maths, 43% in English, 47% in Chemistry but 96% in Biology and telling your mother - “Ma! Look. I got 96% in Biology, so Praise me for it”

Which mother would praise you and say “Well done!!!” and bring the box of Sweets???

India has a total of 135 Crore people.

Unless you stay in Jammu or Himachal Pradesh or Delhi - Terrorism will not impact your life. Terrorism is something you read about in Newspapers and watch in NDTV. So for the Average Citizens who dont live in these states - Terrorism news is not that impactful. Only people who live in these states will appreciate Modis efforts. For the rest its like “Oh…Ok….”

Now Chinese Aggression - Unless you actually live in Ladakh - Chinese aggression is what you read in the newspapers. We lost 20 of our boys in June which was when we were furious but since then its been a bunch of contrasting news - one saying we lost 1000 Sq Km of Territory, another saying the territory was lost during UPA regimes, another saying this or that. Sure - If Modiji had defeated China and regained 1000 Sq Kms of Territory lost - then that would be a National Pride but this is just the normal Tu Tu Main Main type of News which nobody who is not an Army officer or a Fervent Supporter or a Ladaki will get excited about or even understand much.

Now Improving the Image of India abroad. This is utterly vague. How exactly is this true? How is Indias image really enhanced? We refused to join the RCEP twice. 14 Countries since 2016 demand duo jurisdiction and Foreign Bank Guarantee before investing with us - Japan being the latest, 57 Items lost preferred trade status with USA. So this is something that BJP supporters feel but which i as a centrist and a neutral dont agree with.

Just because Bill Gates or someone says something positive doesnt mean the image of India is improving abroad.

Say UK or USA or Singapore grants us Visa Free Entry. Thats a sign of improving Image. Say UK releases Nirav Modi immediately (Like they would if the request came from USA or EU countries or New Zealand) then thats a sign of Image Improving.

Now lets see things where most of the 135 Crore people will get impacted by and appreciate Modiji

  • Inflation - Since 2019 - Inflation has been rearing its ugly head. Foodgrain prices have risen by around 42%, Fuel Prices by a whopping 41%, Essential Goods by 21%- 35%.
  • Standard of Living - Many people have not seen any improvement in their SOL since 2014. On an average 68% Middle Class say their SOL has remained the same though their Job Security has reduced significantly. Under Modi Regime - nearly 70% of New Registered Businesses have failed in under 3 years compared to 52% under the UPA regime.
  • Infrastructure - Roads are chock full in every state including BJP states. Driving is a near impossible task even in smaller cities. Traffic Jams, Signal Waits are tremendous. Yet there is no Integrated Traffic Policy promised in 2014 by Modiji. Highway Jams are also significant these days thanks to many under construction or stopped construction segments. Sure tomorrow this may change but today - nothing to write home about.
  • Service Security - Banks continuously failing, Businesses failing, repeated fraud cases, Aircel, Jet Airways, Many Many Real Estate companies. All this fall on Modijis shoulders since he is the Prime Minister. India has never had such a low faith or confidence in Industry or Business as they have been having from 2017 - 2020
  • Social Unity - I dont remember a single day in the 1990s or even the 2000s where i even thought of 10 minutes about yelling at the Local Temple for blaring music at 4 AM. Now i have to think 10 times just in case some halfwit goes on the Anti Hindu rant.
  • So lets be fair.

How can anyone praise Mr Modi?

What exactly has he done??? Unless you are a Devout Devout Supporter of his - the Picture is as clear as daylight. He has done nothing that has made life better or taken the country forward. All these things are made up by his devout supporters just to keep up the hype but in reality - he has done none of the crucial things to keep the country moving forward.

This is my opinion.

In the future if this changes - say if Kashmir moves to real peace, if our Industries suddenly become top exporters of goods, if our businesses really boom and mint profits - then of course i will Hail Modiji to the skies.

Until then - Sorry- As on date - Almost every other PM has done effectively far more for the Country

Picture Source Wikipedia

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