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Which African country has darker people?

The darkest of Africans are found among the Nilotes, a specific group of Africans who inhabit several African countries in East and Central Africa in the Nile Valley.

Nilotes are the majority of the population in South Sudan. But the Nilotes are aslo found in other African countries, including the DRC and Tanzania.

Nilotic peoples - Wikipedia

The Nilotic peoples are peoples indigenous to the Nile Valley who speak Nilotic languages. They inhabit South SudanSudanEthiopiaUgandaKenyaDR Congo and Tanzania. Among these are the Burun speaking peoplesKaro peoplesLuo peoplesAteker peoplesKalenjin peoplesDatoogaDinkaNuerAtwotLotuko and the Maa-speaking peoples.

The Nilotes constitute the majority of the population in South Sudan, an area that is believed to be their original point of dispersal. After the Bantu peoples, they constitute the second-most numerous group of peoples inhabiting the African Great Lakes region around the Eastern Great Rift.[2] They make up a notable part of the population of southwestern Ethiopia as well.

The Nilote peoples primarily adhere to Christianity and traditional faiths, including the Dinka religion.

The Shilluk (Shilluk: Chollo) are a major Nilotic people of Southern Sudan, living on both banks of the river Nile, in the vicinity of the city of Malakal. - Imgur

Picture Source Wikipedia
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