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Where do you see the Trumps in 5 or 10 years from now?

Donald Trump has just left the White House.

Donald Trump must begin to understand that he did lose the 2020 presidential election. If he hasn't figured it out yet, he will in time.

Donald Trump, who suffers from a serious psychological problem that prevents him from seeing the reality of things, is going to find himself losing at all levels. GOP members will no longer support him. The business partners he had will leave him.

Following the events of January 6, 2021, no one will want to see his name associated with Donald Trump.

Under these conditions, it seems likely that the Trump empire, built on debt, will eventually collapse. Bankruptcy is now the most likely outcome. Donald Trump will end up ruined.

Finally, he will face lawsuits in New York State that could send him to jail.

In 5 to 10 years, the most likely outcome is that Donald Trump will be in jail or totally ruined.

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