Hermione isn’t someone to be emulated.
This isn’t a clickbait answer where I say “I just hated how smart and brave she was, it made all the other characters look bad.”
I genuinely dislike her as a character. Mainly for the fans’ constant adoration, often at the expense of discrediting other characters.
- Most of us would absolutely hate her if she went to school with us. Her constant eager hand in the air is more akin to the behavior of a kindergartner. She would be the girl who asked the teacher “is there homework tonight” in the last minute of class. She would be the kind to humble brag about grades and make you feel awful about your B+. “Oh what did you get on the test? A 92? That’s okay, I guess.”
- She constantly treats other people as if they’re stupid. I know the “It's leviOsa, not levioSA,” quote would come off as harsh and rude. There are so many appropriate, polite ways to help someone. This is not one of them. Likewise, her lecturing of Neville. Yes, it comes across as helpful in the books, but in real life, who wants to hear another classmate talk to you as if they are your teacher.
- She was a terrible friend to Ron.
- She bought a cat knowing he had an aging rat for a pet and refused to acknowledge the validity of his concern. Even when it appeared her pet ate his she refused to apologize.
- She constantly tries to make him feel jealous. She writes a letter to Krum deliberately in front of him, pushing it toward him when he doesn’t initially notice. Similarly, she comments on how attractive Harry has gotten, while in front of Ron. She denies that Harry is a bad kisser, implying she knows from experience.
- She attacks Ron with a spell. Had the roles been reversed there would have been cries of assault, labeling Ron an awful person, a rapist in the making.
I know. I know. She was not supposed to be perfect. None of the characters were. But she is the character who is most often labelled as flawless, the one we should all aspire to be. The reality is, while she is inarguably intelligent and brave, as a real person, these characteristics would be overlooked by her attitude of superiority.
She isn’t someone young girls should aspire to be. You can be brilliant without being arrogant and rude. You can be a flawed, imperfect human being and not resort to attacking others.
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