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What “reveal” can we assume, seeing The Ancient One cast in Avengers: Endgame?

Not only is the Ancient One cast, but so is Rumlow.

Remember him? From Winter Soldier and Civil War? Didn’t he blow up!? What the heck is he doing in Endgame!?!?!?

That’s one that I really just don’t have an answer for. I have been incredibly strict about avoiding any and all spoilers. However, I have been paying close attention to easter eggs, which leads me to my prediction for the Ancient One.

Remember the acid trip we all took in Dr. Strange when Stephen was first introduced to the Ancient One?

There’s actually a point here where she sends him to the quantum realm (starting at 2:08 lasting for about 10 seconds)!

In Doctor Strange, when the Ancient One dies, you see her physical form flat-line. However, her astral form simply disappears. There was never any reason to question this until now in my opinion. I theorize that through some type of magic, the Ancient One was able to live through her astral form. Furthermore, she appears to know about the quantum realm and how to access it.

We know that Ant-Man gets out of the quantum realm from the two Endgame trailers. The question is how? I’ve seen a few theories (using a particle disk like in the first Ant-Man movie, Ghost and Dr. Foster get him out, Luis shows up and Scott instructs him on how to help, etc), but my theory is still different.

I think the Ancient One will appear to Scott in her astral form and get him out of the quantum realm. I think it’s also possible that given the great wisdom of the Ancient One, she could tell Scott what is happening in the world and how to fix it. In the first Endgame trailer when we see Scott outside of the Avengers facility, he sounds pretty desperate to get in. This could easily be attributed to fear, but to me, he sounds almost like he knows something critical that he needs to tell them.


I also just noticed that neither Dr. Foster nor Ghost are cast in Endgame. This could be simply to avoid spoilers, but I kind of doubt that, which means they probably won’t be the ones to save Scott.

If you have other theories, let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear them.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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