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What is a sure sign that a movie will suck?

If the main character is Adam Sandler, count on the movie sucking.

I’m sure you have heard of the new Netflix original, Hubie Halloween.

It was hyped up on Tiktok, and I actually was pretty pumped to watch it.

The reason it was hyped up so much was for it’s cast. I mean, I recognized everyone in the movie and it looked like it was going to be a good movie.

“This movie will save 2020”

Everyone was so excited.

But then-

I watched it.

It’s pure trash.

Basically, there’s a killer in the town on Halloween night and Hubie saves the town.

Sandler’s character is nice, but way too annoying.

He’s hated for no reason and he’s known for always reporting small things to the police that they don’t need to waste their time on. There’s really no other reason he’s hated though, like even the kids throw things at him.

Another thing I don’t like was that the character Walter Lambert is portrayed as a big character at the beginning of the movie and you expect him to be the killer or something but then the movie just ends as him being a mental runaway patient, and I was kinda disappointed.

I don’t want to spoil who the killer is, but just know it’s very disappointing.

It didn’t get very high reviews either.

I would rate this movie a 3/10.

Only good part?

Picture Source Wikipedia

Thanks for Wikipedia

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