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What is the most racist part of American beliefs?

The fact that people are expected to vote based along certain racial lines. Like take for example this photo. It’s Donald Trump with Lil’ Wayne, one of the few grown men Trump has ever taken a photo with whose hand is smaller than his own. People were quite shocked to see Lil’ Wayne support Trump.

Why? Because Lil’ Wayne is black.

It’s expected for someone Black, Latin, Native, to pretty much support the Democratic Candidate ‘by default’. Kanye West, for example, has been quite an odd fellow for many years. But it wasn’t until he started wearing his MAGA hat and hugging Trump that people began to comment on his mental health non-stop. A rich, black man, supporting a president who wishes to keep taxes on the rich low? Outrageous!

A few months ago, presidential hopeful Joe Biden weighed in on the matter. He told the press, point-blank, that if you don’t for him, you “ain’t black”. Which is hilarious… you’re an old white fellow and you are revoking the blackness of people who vote for the guy you run against? The absolute audacity of these identity politics is shocking.

The fact that there are expectations on who you will vote for, based on your ethnic background, is preposterous. And while it makes sense for statistics to look into this, for scientists to study it… it’s completely insane and frankly awfully racist that supporting a Republican candidate could get a person’s blackness revoked and have them all but cancelled. For what, for disagreeing with you politically? How patronizing.

People immediately jump to nasty conclusions when a black person supports a Republican candidate. They bring up Kanye’s mental health. They bring up Lil’ Wayne’s drug use. They bring out every single demeaning, insulting racial trope they can to diminish these men, and for what… for thinking, speaking and voting out of the little box you put their entire race in?

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