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What fruits of the world are Indians unfamiliar with and have probably never eaten?

Below are some of my picks. I would be interested to know if any of the below are found in India.

Kaki (Japanese Persimmon)

Natively found in China

Edit: Just found out that you get these in India as Amarphal

Pitaya rouge (Dragon Fruit)

Found majorly in South East Asia

Edit: Dragon Fruit is now cultivated in India

Kiwano (Horned Melon)

Found natively in Sub-Saharan Africa

Finger Lime

Found in Australia

Pink Pearl Apple

Developed and cultivated in California


Found primarily in South American countries

Buddha's Hand

Found majorly in China, Japan and Malaysia

Hala fruit

Found majorly in Pacific islands and near Hawaii

Thank you all!!

Never expected so many upvotes, hence giving some more varieties below.

Thank you Gopalkrishna Vishwanath for this question.


Found in Latin America and considered the national Fruit of Brazil.

Chilean strawberry

Found in North and South America. Rich in taste


Also known as Chinese/Japanese Lantern. This is used in Unani medicine so might be available in some parts of India


Native to South America and can be found common in California


Also called Chinese Fruit and recently have been cultivated in India,I’d be interested to know if any of you have had the pleasure to have them.

India to boost noni cultivation

Jamaican tangelo or Ugli Fruit

A “deliberate or accidental hybrid” with grapefruit, pummelo, mandarin orange, and tangerine

What Is Ugli Fruit Good For? - Mercola.com


Found in South America and considered a mix of pear and melon

Pepquinos or Mini Watermelon

Native to South America and is also known as cucamelon,


Found in South East Asian countries. They closely resemble orange in shape and colour and is supposed to be eaten with the skin (like olives)

Thank you for reading. There are some more varieties like many have pointed like Durian, Longan, Mulberries,Jujube and Mangosteen as it has been mentioned elsewhere.

Image source Google

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