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What famous person had a promising career and then destroyed it with bad decisions?

I think when Megan Fox started her career debuting in the film Holiday in the Sun, she was promising! She shot to fame in the Transformers movie and went on to sign two more sequels with them. Along with her success in Transformers, she got many roles in movies like Bad Boys II, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen and later in another popular movie series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Apart from that, she had worked in TV sitcoms like What I Like About You and Two and a Half Men. Basically, she was a superstar and whatever she touched turned into gold in the 2000s.

Unfortunately, a career that looked so promising for an actress who started her movie career at the age of 15 fell short abruptly and now very few care about Megan Fox. The reason which led to her downfall was her own stupidity which kinda destroyed her career. All because of one bad decision!

Megan Fox did something very bad that led to her termination from the Transformers franchise. She once compared the director of the Transformers series, Michael Bay with Adolf Hitler! Yes, she compared her director with someone who mercilessly killed more than 6 million innocent Jews. Adding on to the fact that both Michael Bay and the producer of the Transformer series, Steven Spielberg were Jewish, neither of them took the comment kindly. That led to a series of disagreements between her and the director of the film and she wasn’t called back for the subsequent roles.

Her next movie after Transformers was Jonah Hex which fared very badly. She dropped out of the successful Transformers series which was a setback to her career and delivering another flop movie affected her more.

She had a little luck when the first movie of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fared well but the sequels did not live up to the expectations. Turned out that Megan was no longer a good actor. She was neither funny to portray comical roles and she had long lost her charisma too. She got the last few roles based on her looks but as her movies continued doing very badly, even that stopped coming too.

Had Megan Fox not compared Michael with Hitler that day, she would have probably been one of the most successful actors in Hollywood but one bad decision, and it was the beginning of the end of her career.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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