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What do people eat on a daily basis in your country?


In Armenia we don’t have a strict set of things that we eat. Our cuisine is also not specifically bound to breakfast/lunch/dinner, we eat what we want whenever we want. If you want to eat breakfast for lunch go for it. These are just some things I often eat:


During breakfast people in Armenia will eat a variety of things, but on the breakfast table there will always be fresh cut vegetables, herbs, lavash flatbread, local cheese, Armenian yogurt (matzoon), and sujuk (dry meat). Some dishes include but are not limited to:

Spas: cold soup made from matzoon (Armenian yogurt), cracked wheat, and many herbs. Usually eaten in the summer.

Harissa (Armenian chicken porridge) made from cracked wheat and chicken. Topped with butter.

On cold winter mornings, especially on hangovers, we like to eat this while downing shots of vodka:

Khash: is a soup made from cow hoofs that are boiled all night. It must be eaten with your hands by putting so much lavash flatbread inside that it solidifies.

Coffee break:

Armenian coffee — we drink unfiltered coffee that is made by putting ultra fine coffee powder into a jazve (coffee pot) and traditionally it is made by putting it in hot sand until it boils. This is literally the same thing as Arabic, Turkish, or Syrian coffee, we just all like to call it as our own.

Lunch + Dinner:

Lunch and dinner can pretty much be the same thing, but the dishes are often unique

Sevan Ishkhan: Sevan trout is a fish that is native to and exists only in Armenia in lake Sevan. It is usually barbecued or broiled and served with wine, potatoes, and lemon. We have a lot of fish dishes for a landlocked country.

Tolma: Grape leaves stuffed with ground meat, rice, and herbs from the mountains. A dozen or so cultures have the same dish prepared slightly differently, but obviously Armenians make it the best.

Tjvjik: fried beef liver with onions (and other vegetables)

Khashlama: beef stew made with potatoes and vegetables. There are many variants to this dish.

Khorovats: Any skewered meat that is barbecued. Very simple and delicious. The most popular in Armenia is lamb and pork.

Street Food:

Zhingyalov Hats: is an Armenian flatbread from fhe region of Artsakh filled with many types of greens that are traditionally picked from the mountains.

Lahmajo: aka Armenian pizza is thin dough with ground meat, herbs, and tomatoes. Often eaten with some lemon. It’s good as hell.

There are a lot more foods but these are just some of many.

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