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What are some no-no’s when it comes to eating Israeli food?

1)Don’t eat the red stuff!

I love spicy food. But we all have our limitations.

Almost anywhere you go in Israel, you could be asked if you want “schug” or “charif” (literally “spicy”) on your food.

And you might think, “Hey, why not? I’m trying to have an authentic Israel experience.”

But please note, it’s spicier than you think. And if you’re unprepared, you might be drinking a whole lot of water very soon.

And possibly spending a lot of unpleasant time in the restroom as well.

(Please note: If you love it, you love it. And that’s a great thing! Also… there’s a green version.)

2)Don’t order food in a very tourist-based area

Walk a few blocks away. You’re pretty much guaranteed to find the same quality food for a fraction of the price.

My son and I used to marvel at how cheap the delicious schawma and laffa was we used to buy. It was only 15 shekels! Yet just a five minute walk away, there was a place selling the same thing for 35.

Eat well. Save a buck!

3)Don’t wait for the waiter to pay

The hardest part of the Israel dining experience, for reasons I’ll never understand, is paying.

The waiter might come to your table five times to check if you’re ready to order. Food will come fairly quickly. They’ll check if you’re OK, maybe even refill your water.

But after those tasks are complete, the waiter might just disappear. Or they’ll walk right past your table a half dozen times.

If you want to get a move on, it’s best to take matters into your own hands. Actually walk over to the waiter and let them know the time has come to go. Otherwise, you might be there for quite a while…

Picture Source Wikipedia

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