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What are the most touching things a husband did for his wife after she passed away?

When the Japanese Tsunami hit in 2011, Yusao Takamutsu was at work as a bus driver going about his day.

His wife was also at work at her office building.

A massive Tsunami swept across the coast of Japan. Sirens sounded. News stations flooded the airwaves.

He desperately began trying to get into contact with his wife.

Half an hour after the alarm sounded, he received a text message from his wife, “I just want to be home.”

In the days following the Tsunami, surveying the apocalyptic wreckage, it became increasingly clear that his wife hadn’t made it.

Yusao Takamutsu was stricken with grief. “She will always be next to me, physically and mentally,” he said. 'I miss her, I miss the big part of me that was her.”

In the years since, he felt a deep obligation to honor the final text message he received from her. He wanted to bring her home.

He went and learned scuba diving.

And began searching for her body. It was difficult as he wasn’t naturally good in the water, but became certified and got better at it with time. (Source: I Want To Go Home. Film)

Since 2011, Yusao Takamatsu has been returning to the waters near his home town every week to resume his search for his wife's remains, hoping to honor her last request and bring her home.😥😢

(Closure is always something humans seek specially when it comes to death. Closure of any issue - separation, loss, etc are all very difficult to achieve if it involves death due to calamities, resistance from others to help achieve the closure and finally inability due to one's own issues!

The condition is called “Ambiguous loss” - which is a loss for which answers are not clear (death due to plane crash, body not retrieved in floods, etc) which actually complicates the lack of someone in one's life and takes time to accept such loss. Very sad. I feel pity for him. But, searching for his wife’s remains even now would yield no fruit I guess. Because after dying, the body gets decomposed or even get eaten by micro-organisms found in sea bed.

Looking at his love, I'm still amazed and would certainly like to ask if such a love is still existent among humans. I can truly understand his ‘love’ and I'm deeply touched by his gesture. On the other hand, I'm jealous and sad that I didn’t find one!

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